
Happy Birthday Daxie!!!

As you all know I have some major catching up to do! I'm starting with the most recent, Dax's Birthday Party. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that he is already TWO! It's crazy to see how fast he has grown, but he's been so much fun lately that I would be lieing if I said I was sad he's growing up. There ARE moments I would like to freeze so I won't lose them, but I so love to see him learn and grow everyday! He's such a clever little cat! Unfortunately we were unable to share his party with all of our family and friends, but we still had a blast! The only thing I'm sad about is that Dax ate so much pizza last night, he didn't save any room for cake :) P.S. Don't pay any attention to the date on the camera ;)


Tanya said...

OMG! He is so big! I can not believe it! And by the way...that is the CUTEST cake I have EVER seen!

Anonymous said...

Kate - I can't believe Dax is 2! Wow time goes by so fast. Rilee's little girl turned 2 yesterday! We're getting old! I'm glad to see you are doing well! Hope to see more posts soon! Miss ya!

Derrek & Rilee said...

Great job on the cake! It's really cute. You need to keep up with the blog since it's the only way I know what's happening with you.

Morgan Eliason said...

He is so stinking cute! I love the cake! Looks like you guys had fun. Call me when you come this way :) Happy Birthday Dax!

Cody and Nicole Nelson said...

That cake is so awesome. its great so see pics of u guys it looks like your doing great. Take care :)

Nate & Elisa said...

So I think I saw you at your grandma's today???? Cute cake and cute Dax. I hope everything is going good for you. I hate that I didn't get to see you on the 24th!!! I miss ya. Happy Birthday Dax.