I think I have tried to gear myself up for a new school year. I know I will not be sitting down much once that first school bell rings. Most parents might think the school year means that someone else will have their children for the day and they will have a bit of a break from teaching/entertaining. That's not the case at our house. We get to enjoy the school year together. I get to coop in their classes once a week, go to monthly parent meetings (for a total of 3 a month), work on a committee, provide transportation, volunteer to drive for field trips or sports, provide snack for each class about once a month (PreK, twice a month), coordinate/do babysitting trades to cover times I'm cooping in the classroom, figure out what my kids need to be working on at home so they can get some personally tailored 'learning time'...that's all that comes to mind off the top of my head. Oh - Layne also helps out by staying home with the kids while I have evening meetings.
When the kids start the school year - we have the usual stuff with them - and I get to feel like I'm starting a part time job. All of this is obviously on top of what normally gets done around here. It's a busy time.
This program is a great fit for our family. It's worth it to us to make this work. I could write quite a bit more about all of the reasons it works for us - but, I'm proud of you for reading this far - so, I won't bore you with all of that right now.