Showing posts with label FTU KIT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FTU KIT. Show all posts

Friday, October 4, 2024

New FTU Awareness kit! "Cindy Lee - BCA Awareness"

Hey friends! I'm back with another Freebie for you all. This one is a new version of a BCA kit I did over 15 years ago that's no longer available. It was hideous and at the beginning of my scrapping journey. This one, I love more. 

This one is called Cindy Lee in honor of my aunt who passed away 27 years ago. She lived with breast cancer for a few years before she lost the battle. She's adored and missed always! 

Please, educate yourself on breast health. Do your yearly mammograms. Do the self-exams monthly. Don't wait, because it literally means life or death. Unfortunately, my Mom and her siblings came from a generation where women's health wasn't talked about. They weren't taught certain things. If she had been educated (even learned on her own) there's a chance it could have been caught sooner because of what sh went through I'm very adamant about these things. I do my exams and get my mammograms. I've taught my girls their importance. 

Don't wait to get the help you need! Reach out to your doctor or a local clinic who can help you. 

With that said...on to the kit! 

The kit DOES include AI elements! 

Please, enjoy! 

Get the kit from Mediafire HERE

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Breaking the Silence - Domestic Violence Awareness FTU Kit

When I focused on making this kit, I wanted to have it center-happy stuff. Maybe renewal, and a reminder of surviving. That's why the teddy bear is the focus of the preview. The comfort my own brought to me as a kid was at the forefront of my mind. 

Yes, I was a kid who survived childhood trauma and domestic violence. I grew up in a chaotic household, and I was a teenager before we escaped. As an adult, I lived through domestic violence in a relationship for entirely too long. I came out of it, and am surviving, regardless of how hard it is some days to function. 

The reality is this: More people than you realize are living through domestic violence. It can happen to ANYONE. Regardless of who you are. Regardless of your gender identity, age, socioeconomic status, or race. It literally happens to so many. 

You never truly know what someone is going through unless they share. If you need help, please reach out for help. If you're someone who is helping someone, reach out for help.

You're not alone. 
National Domestic Violence Help Hotline - 1-800-799-7233

A special thank you goes out to my friend Jo, for the lovely wordart for the kit! You can find her blog HERE

Download the kit from Mediafire HERE

Friday, September 15, 2023

Random Freebie! "Let's Get Steamed" & an update!

Hi all! It's been a minute since I hopped on here and shared a bit! I've been pretty busy the last few months. Between family changes and additions (welcome a grand baby!), general life and job changes, its been a bit chaotic. Good, but chaotic. 

I'm working on bringing you more freebies in the coming months. More PTU kits of course, and hoping to just post more in general. We shall see. I do have an idea for an awareness kit or two as well. So many plans!

I also am going to be moving away from my current store in the spring. The reason is, the hosting prices are going up AND behind-the-scenes stuff with the platform issues. Like many designers, I'm slowly moving over to my payhip store. Which I'll link here on my blog.  I won't be moving over totally until the spring. So you're still good to shop at either store! 
When cleaning up some files today and searching for things, I found this old kit. Old as in 8 years old! lol I figured it would be a good time to give it away as a freebie. 

Please keep in mind, my style has changed since this one. I've also taken to sizing much bigger than I did originally. So everything might not be the same quality you expect from me. 

With that said, here's your freebie! 

Download from Mediafire HERE

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Former PTU now FTU! "Love Me Sweet"

Hi, my friends!

You know, I constantly tell myself that I need to update my blog with my newest PTU kits. Then, life gets in the way and the next thing I know I've forgotten again! Maybe soon? I don't know!

All that rambling to tell you, I have lots of new goodies in my store. I constantly run sales, so you can get stuff at a decent price! Please stop by and look around. (Link is at the top of my blog)

with that said, I have a freebie! Kathy messaged me on my fan page asking about one of my older kits. Sweet baby corn this kit is 10 years old! *facepalm* I'd like to think I've grown a lot since then. You know what though? I'm glad someone still wants to use it!

Please keep in mind, the elements are smaller than what I use now. I go with larger elements. There for, it won't be the same as what you may be used to now. 

I hope you enjoy the kit!

You can get it via mediafire HERE

Friday, April 15, 2022

Former PTU now FTU! and a note!

It's spring, so I'm spring cleaning! I was going through my stores and found this old gem. I loved this kit when I was making it. A lot of effort went into it. Heaven knows it's a few years old though and not true to my new style. It STILL is one of my favorites though! 

I thought it would be a good kit to give away to you all. I think we've all felt like this, more so in the last few years.

Also, I'm retiring from 2 of my stores. Treasured Scraps and Mystical Scraps. I'll be retiring 95% of the kits there that are in my personal store as well. It's time to clean up things. I'll be leaving a handful that I think are still true to my newer style or are just fun for me.

With that said, those kits will all be set to $1.00! Any CU tubes that are in the other two stores will be moved to my personal store. I'm not sure about the CU packs just yet. 

The sale for all of those kits ends on 4/30. 

Shout out to one of my good friends, Patty for making room for me for years in her stores. When I needed a time out from scrapping, she gave me that space and kept my stuff there. She's amazing and I love her!
I will still be selling kits in my personal store AND CDO! 

Ok, ok, on to the freebie!

Get the freebie from Mediafire HERE

Monday, September 17, 2018

Freebie Alert! Former PTU now FTU! "Martian Madness"

Hi all! I thought I'd stop off and drop a freebie for you all! :) I made this one a few years ago for an emagazine that is no longer around. When I was cleaning up my files I saw I still had it. With Halloween coming up, I figured why not give a treat?!

Please feel free to use this freebie for your creations! This is for PERSONAL USE ONLY! Please link people to this post and not just the download link for the kit. 

I hope you enjoy it!

Get Martian Madness via mediafire HERE

Monday, April 30, 2018

Freebie Alert! FTU "It Must Be Love" Tagger kit!

I have a new freebie kit for you all! Please enjoy!

Download it from mediafire HERE

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Freebie! "Just My Luck" FTU/PU Tagger Size Kit

Hi all! Its been a minute since  I dropped a freebie, so here you go! 

Quick note: I'll be looking to add a freebie at least once a month. So keep the look out!

Get it from dropbox HERE

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Freebie Alert! FTU Kit: "Happy Owlidays"

Hey ya'll!!!! Don't forget I posted another snaggable freebie last week on this post HERE It's a FB Timeline cover template with lots of layers!

I've been working on a freebie kit for the holiday season for you guys. I wanted to try and get out at least ONE freebie a month. I have another holiday themed kit coming that will be way different than this one. So keep an eye out! For now, here's an "owl" themed kit for you! Happy Owlidays (see what I did there? HA!) to you and yours! This is a free to use, tagger sized kit for personal use only! Please feel free to snag and share the link TO THIS POST! Do not share otherwise. Thanks ya'll!! I'd love to see anything ya'll make! <3 p="">

Snag it HERE (Mediafire link active as of date of posting)

Thursday, November 23, 2017

New Snag! FTU Facebook Cover Snag! Garv & "Funk-itol" Freebie kit!

Hello everyone! I hope you all are enjoying the holiday season with your friends and families. It's Thanksgiving here in the U.S.A. (Washington State to be specific) and I've been not so patiently waiting for the grub to be done! So I decided to clean up my computer and came across this FB Cover I made last week. I used a trio pack from Keith Garvey that I purchased awhile back when he first went indie.  They're so sassy! They're from the "Sinister Suzy" Pack # 1 and you can find them on his site HERE Keep in mind too that you MUST have a valid Garv license number to use any of the tubes you purchase from his site.

The kit I used was one of my favorite freebie ones I've done! it was for the Fantastically Free Blog Train for the  month of April - 2015. "Living On The Edge" was the theme. I went for something funny and creative. The results of that was "Funk-itol" tagger sized kit. It was a play on a meme/words from years ago about drama, especially with social media! You can get the kit in this post HERE -  and I double checked that the download for dropbox still works!

Here's the preview of the kit!

Finally, here is your snag. However, PLEASE keep in mind, this is a SNAG! Please do not alter it in any way, shape or form. You can NOT add names to it, add anything to it, crop out the license number, copyrights or my tagger markings.

You CAN save it to your computer and post it to your social media, especially on its intended us as a Facebook Cover! I'd love a link back to this blog post too! 

Click on the image to make it bigger, then right click to save to your device.


Monday, September 11, 2017

Freebie Alert! "Blessings" FTU PU Kit!

Hi guys! I've got a new kit for you all. Its been a minute since I put up a freebie and figured, why not? So here you go! this is a tagger size kit as well. I forgot to put it on the preview.

FTU/PU Only - Tagger Size

Get it from Mediafire HERE - link fixed 9/18/23

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Freebie Alert!!!! New FTU Kit "Touched by Darkness" Collab!

I did it! I finished a full kit! I know I've only put out mini CU stuffs in the last year, and I hinted over the weekend at a new goodie coming!

I was inspired by my friend Chrissy! She released her brand spanking NEW Novel  today! I'm so proud of her and so honored to have been able to read it! I discovered last week that she used to design kits too!!!!! OMG I was so thrilled! She came out of retirement JUST to make a freebie for ya'll. I'm so thankful for her input, help with stuff and over all excitement. Its hard to not get excited for her! LOL

Please go check out her fan page HERE, Like her page and give her a shout! Don't forget to congratulate her on her new book!

C. Shafanda's new book, Tormenting Touch is LIVE on Amazon HERE

You can join her facebook group , C. Shafanda's Crazy Cuties HERE

Check out this gorgeous kit she put together!!!!

You can get it HERE from dropbox

Get mine, from dropbox HERE

Check out this awesome FB cover I made for her too! 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Triple FREEBIE ALERT! Holy crud I've lost my brain! :)

Hello my wicked little friends! I hope you all are doing well and enjoying some nice weather. Here, not so much. We're going to be hit with storms again this week. I live in Washington State and it rains  A LOT. LOL Yes, there are a ton of jokes about the weather here. I live on the harbor too,so our weather can get crazier than other parts at times. Today, not so bad! Wait..where was I going with this?

Oh you're not enjoying some nice Spring weather (nearly Spring here in the U.S.A.) then I hope you're at least warm and safe! And since you're probably trapped inside due to yuckiness, why not create? That's what I'm doing today. Well, besides getting organized again. I'm coming back to scrapping more or less full time. That means I've retired a gazillion kits. Some of them will be reworked into new and better kits. Some not so much. The only way you get ANY of the retired ones the past six years is to purchase my store. Email me for details! So look for more goodies coming soon! I'm doing a ton of new stuff too now that I've got things settled a tiny bit. I feel like a wacked out chicken today. I'm all over! And I rambled.....AGAIN.... sorry!

Since you might be in the house stuck from the weather, why not create? to help you out....I have THREE (3) kits for you! I'm retiring these and thought they'd be fun for you guys to have. I know that finding celebration kits can be hard. So I'm giving you two that were with a former license company once upon a long time ago. So the stuff might be a tiny bit smaller than normal. The other one, is one I had done for a store I co-owned. I figured it would be a fun freebie for you guys.

I've loaded them to my account. Please let me know if you have any issues downloading them! 

I thank you all so much for your patience, love and support. It means a lot to me!

Enough rambling....

Download links below the preview!


Fairy love isn't available right now - I've lost the file! If someone has it, please feel free to email me!


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

New Freebie! The Fantastically Free Blog Train takes off! "Gothic Winter"

It's that time again! blog train rollin' through! Since we've been out of net for the last two or three weeks, I've felt like messing around in PSP more. I wasn't really on the net too much anyway, but now it feels weird to not have it lol. So my hiatus from kit making....I did decide to open PSP to see what I could come up with. Christopher loves green, so I chose green for the added palette on this one! I'm verryyyyyyy slowly coming back to scrapping. I mean I do have one PTU one finished and previewed after weeks and weeks and weeks...but it wont' go up in the store until after I've got net back full time. ty all for your kind words and love! I'm feeling ok at the moment, so just trying to enjoy that. :)

As always, please remember to stop by each stop on the train! We all live in different time zones, so check back if you don't see someone's portion up yet.

Click below the preview to get the download!

Get it from 4Shared  HERE

Get it from Mediafire HERE

Be sure to check out the other stops on this train...


Thursday, October 15, 2015

FREEBIE! Fantastically Free Blog Train takes off! Bootiful Ghouls!

Hey all! I have another fun freebie for ya'll. I decided to do a paper pack. I know...again? LOL I'm having kit mojo absenteeism I swear! LOL I love the colors in this palette and it's fun. I hope you enjoy these!

10 CU/PU Paper Pack, JPEG format, 3600x3600

You can download it from HERE

Don't forget the rest of the stops! Go snag some goodies!

Don't miss out on all of the other stops on this train...


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Fantastically Free Blog Train takes off! August 2015 "Bookworm" FTU!

Hey guys! I'm a day late posting t his, I'm sorry! I swear if I'm not doing it a day early, I'm a day late lol. One of these days I'll get it right!

I LOVED this theme! I'm a major bookworm...or at times I say book ho' because I've been reading so much this summer. I love the library! :) I hope you guys like the colors and everything. It was an open palette, which I love! I couldn't stop adding, so you guys get an extra bonus with all the extra goodies! I hope you enjoy!

* download link and blog stop links below preview*

Remember too, we're all in different parts of the world, so the time zone may mess up when stuff is posted. Make sure  you just run by and check later!

Download from 4shared 


Train stops:

Don't miss all of the other great stops on this train...


Monday, June 15, 2015

Freebie Alert! Former PTU now FTU! ALS Awareness kit!

Hey guys! Recently Sassy and I made the decision to close our store. For many reasons too. But it will be back in the future! :) 

One of the things we did for the store was a collab for ALS. It's a very devestating disease that effects more people than you think. The biggest reason we did the collab was in honor of Gina's mother. She lived with ALS for quite awhile and I'll never forget what Gina went through those years as her daughter or as the daughter learning to live with out her when it was her time to go home. I love you Gina!

I wanted to post more than just this today, but I'm in a crunch to get some other things done.

Take your health seriously! Be vigilent in getting healthier (sage advice giving myself as well) and stay close to the ones you love. 

To learn more about ALS, check out the site HERE!

The kit has 7 papers and 25 elements...full size in png and jpeg format! :)

*Note that the awareness ribbons come in three colors!

Get it from 4shared HERE

 photo Siggy_zpsd2384e38.png

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

FREEBIE! Fantastically Free Blog Train "Living on the Edge" takes off!

Hey guys! I have another freebie for you, as promised! I liked that this months theme was not only different, but challenged me as well. I was yacking it up with Shannon one night and told her that I was going to do a kit with an "eff you" kind of theme. Anyone remember those graphics that floated around from years ago on myspace... it was  a pill that was blue and white and said something LIKE funk-itol. Remove the n in that one.... LOL I figured why not do this one? I know someone asked me awhile back and I totally forgot. I wanted to go with a different palette than expected. I showed Shannon a few, and she chose for me! It was a good challenge that way too. I ended up with a good amount of goodies and cracked myself up the whole time too! LOL

Download links are below the preview, and links to the other stops!

This kit is FTU - PU and Tagger sized. 

Link for Mediafire: HERE


Be sure to check out all of the other stops on this train...


photo Siggy_zpsd2384e38.png

Sunday, April 5, 2015

New! Freebie Alert! FTU Awareness kit, "Time Of Your Life" - Chronic Kidney Diesease

Hi guys! I've got another freebie for ya'll. I know I've been doing some once a month, but trying to up the game on this one. I know how freebies are relied upon, just as I do. My goal is to do at least one awareness kit a month. A goal mind you! LOL We shall see how it goes!

My good friend Cindi had won a custom kit in a contest many moons ago. I feel horrible it's been a good six months. But she's been so patient with me where as others want to stomp on my big toe! Luckily, my feet are quick! *smiles and laughs at own joke* When I asked her what she wanted, she asked me to do one for Chronic Kidney Disease. Her husband has been fighting the good fight and succeeding in many way, this disease. I've learned many things about Robert (her husband) through her and he and the stories, melt my heart. Please note too it was CINDI's idea to make this a freebie kit to be shared with ya'll. Ty my love!

Cindi is one of the MOST amazing person I've met in my life. She walked on to my path many moons ago...ok so least what, four years? Something like that..anyhoo, I digress. She's been so loving and supportive from the get go. She asked me for advice on kit making and various PSP related stuff. She's always been patient with me (obviously after six months of waiting for the kit lol) and really supportive. It's never mattered what I"m going through, she just even sends an "I love you" type message. She's gone beyond what most people do for friends. One thing about Cindi that most know, she's generous to those she loves. I'm honored to be able to call her my friend. I hope she knows this always.

One of the other things I've noticed over the years, how much she truly adores her family. Mama Sassy told me once that in a household, the mom always sets the tone of the house. Meaning if mom is pissed/tired/happy/sad/excited, it's contagious. Everybody follows those feelings, even when you don't see it. Trust me, this is very true in my house! She's so devoted to her husband and her kids. How many can say they truly know people like that? In my world, not a whole lot. Her love for her husband shines through constantly. She's there with him every step of the way. And vice versa really. He's just as much dedicated to her and the kids. He fights this disease for Cindi and their children. To fight it, is to be selfless. I've seen other people just let the diseases take over and they become a mere shell of who they used to be.Not Robert or Cindi! If there ever was a person who needed healing in many ways, it's Robert. I admire his strength and dedication. Like I said, I don't' know a lot of people like that and in all honestly, a little jaded when it comes to that. But they've changed a lot of that.

Ok to finish up.... Cindi and I were talking tonight and she said that one of the things she hopes for this kit to bring, is obviously awareness. But also this...and I'm putting into her EXACT words. "One of the most important things for people with CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) tor remember as we've been told over and over, is it doesn't have to stop you from living. You just have to do things a little differently." Truer words were never spoken about this disease. She also mentioned that even though they're limited on things they can do, like vacation, long car trips, etc., they can do what they can in moderation.

Their love for camping has not deterred them since. They just take shorter trips when he starts dialysis this summer. So for this kit, I did the camping theme. A reminder in their worlds, that life goes on. You have to enjoy everything in the moment. Take all in, and throw away the bad to leave the good.

Here are some statistics on this kidney disease:

* Up to 26 million Americans—1 in 9—have chronic kidney disease. 
* More than 570,000 Americans have kidney failure, also known as end-stage renal disease. 

* The Kidney Health Initiative (KHI) is dedicated to improving patient safety and promoting development of new therapies for all patients with kidney disease 

*To improve care for patients with kidney disease, more innovation is required: In the past decade, too few new nephrology drugs have appeared on the market in the United States.* 

* Significant racial and ethnic disparities exist at every stage of kidney disease: 

*African-Americans are 6 times more likely than whites to develop kidney failure related to hypertension and 4 times more likely to progress to kidney failure than Caucasians.* 

Hispanics and American Indians are 2 times more likely to progress to kidney failure than Caucasians. * 

* Kidney disease causes hypertension, which affects 80% of kidney patients. 

*Kidney disease also accelerates the progression of heart disease and increases the risk of heart attacks and heart-related death. (information retrieved from ASN) Another website that you should check out for more information (and tons of prevention/help) is the National Kidney Foundation. This is the official website, and please go check out! Educate yourself and your loved ones. 

Almost done, I promise! LOL If you wish to contact Cindi to give her and Robert tags you make with this kit, support, and love, you can reach her via email HERE and her blog (she rarely posts, but still lots of goodies there!) HERE or her FB account HERE. I knnow she woudl appreciate all of it!
Now for the's mega packed. twice the size than the custom kit she won. I was inspired and had to keep going. Every time I thought I was done, I found something else! LOL
23 Papers in jpeg/png format - 137 elements in PNG, large tagger size. no repeats in this kit! (I think lol) and for personal use ONLY! Please link back to this particular blog post for others to download. Sharing is caring, especially with FTU stuffs, but link to this POST! 25.2 MB is the size.
Ok here we more thing....I love you Cindi, VERY much! Give Robert and the kids a big hug from us to ya'll.Kit preview:

Get it from mediafire HERE

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Choo Choo! Train is taking off! FFBT takes off! "Toadally Spring"

Time for the Fantastically Free Blog train to take off! If you'd like to paticipate as a designer or you would like to snag, go to their blog HERE!!!

This months theme was "Toadally Spring

My kit is tagger sized, personal use only! I hope you enjoy! :)

You can get the kit HERE

Get on the Choo Choo train and find these stops for more goodies!

Just a gentle reminder, we all live around the world. Those cause time differences as well, so if you don't see a designers work up yet, then check back! :)

Be sure to check out all of the other great stops on this train...


 photo Siggy_zpsd2384e38.png