
Showing posts with label serious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label serious. Show all posts

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Choice?

Everyday we make choices. What will I have for breakfast? What will I wear? The choices we make influence who we are and what is around us.
We look back at things like the shooting in Connecticut and many blame the gun. Unfortunately, the gun didn't have a choice in what the operator of the gun wanted to do with it-after all it doesn't have it's own mind! But, I'm not writing today about the tragedy in Connecticut. I want to focus on the choice of Facebook.
I have been on Facebook for 4 years I think...it's been a while and I have enjoyed it. I have so much fun staying connected with childhood friends, college friends and everyone in between. Overall, it's been great! Sadly, I have heard of heard of unfortunate things that happen because of being on Facebook and because of that many choose to be against Facebook.
Facebook, just like a gun doesn't have a mind of its own. The person who has chosen to sit in front of the computer screen or phone screen to access Facebook is the one making the choices. While on Facebook, you can choose what you want to say, read or see...just like the rest of the Internet. I have come across bad language on Facebook and I chose to delete what I saw. I have also came across while browsing the regular Internet with a site with bad language and I promptly got off the page. Just because I use Facebook for good and someone else uses it for bad don't punish me and tell me I shouldn't be on there! You fight for the right to bear arms because its not your fault someone doesn't know how to use a gun...well it's not my fault someone doesn't know how to use Facebook right.
We all have a choice in how to use the tools we have...make it good!