Showing posts with label alcohol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alcohol. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

MIDWEEK HAPPY HOUR: The Cocktail Hour Top Ten

On most Sundays we have a feature called The Cocktail Hour where we present videos, pictures, tastings, and recipes of different drinks to coincide with the Day of Rest.  If you've missed any or haven't visited on Sundays, here are the top ten Cocktail Hour posts as calculated by the number of visitors.  Click on the names to see that particular post.

10. Latin Passion.  Similar to a tequila sunrise but more sour.  Very popular on the Sunday patio.

9. Skid Row Wine Bowl - Merlot. Once in awhile, we put up California's most popular wine, the budget priced Charles Shaw (Two-Buck Chuck) up against some similar priced contenders.  Here is the episode putting the most popular variety, merlot, up against another similarly priced brand.

8. Daquiri.  Hemingway's favorite drink.  We make it with the original way with limes, sugar and rum.

7. Amaretto Sour.  A tasty drink with a lower alcohol content than most cocktails.  For our friends who don't want too much firepower in their drinks.

6. Classic Margarita.  Our very first Cocktail Hour video!  One of the tastiest margaritas you'll have, served on the rocks, of course.

5. Cosmopolitan.  The pink martini-like drink favored by fans of Sex in the City.

4. Tequila Tasting with the Tios.  Come along on a road trip as we buy hundreds of dollars worth of premium tequila and have a tasting party with two honest-to-goodness Mexican connoisseurs of the Blue Agave in Yuma, Arizona.  This one was a lot of fun to make.

3. The Belgian Beer Festival.  Another on location trip to Lucky Baldwin's Pub in Sierra Madre, California for their annual Belgian Beer Festival.

2. Hurricane.  The French Quarter's favorite drink, made right here on the patio.

1. Tequila Sunrise.  And, the most popular drink on the site is our version of this Mexican beach classic with just a little personal touch to make it stand out.

There you have it, our ten most popular Cocktail Hour posts.  Each one also features an accompanying video, so please take a look and come on along for this little mid-week happy hour.  Don't forget, there are many more Cocktail Hours that didn't make the list.  Visit those too and maybe you'll see some of them show up the next time we calculate the top ten.


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