Monday, March 28, 2011

Just Relaxing!

I have been thinking a lot about life and how I get so crazy with all the "stuff" I try to fit into a 24 hour period. What have I been doing to myself and my sanity? Do I really need to constantly run around like the end of the world is going to be coming tonight? NO! In lieu of some really enlightening conversations with some doctors about my STRESS levels being way to high, I have decided to de-junk or de-stress my life. I didn't realize that I was as STRESSED as the doctors said I was until I went bonkers on my own kids for something that was not really important. I had lost control of what was really important because I let the little things get in the way. So, now all the unnecessary things are going to be chopped up and flushed down the toilet where they belong. Gone are the days were I say "Yes" to everything and everyone just to try and please them. I am not going to be the person that thinks she can do everything because I can't. I want to enjoy life, watch the sunset, laugh with my kids instead of yell at them, and just be happy. Who cares if I forget to take a child to dance lessons because we were having fun reading books or watching a movie. Who cares if all my children's friends are enrolled in a gazillion extra curricular activities--my kids don't need to join them. My kids will have time to ride bikes, play barbies or cars, build forts, and just enjoy being a kid. If I am constantly running around, shopping, shuttling kids to activities they don't really need to be doing, worrying about bills, and fretting about the laundry, dirty bathrooms, and filthy car then how can I really enjoy life? I can't! So Today, I am making a vow to myself that I will take time to stop and play with my kids, spend quality time with my husband, establish a better relationship with my Father in Heaven, and commit to a more calmer less hectic way of life. I am going to start talking about my day and how I feel instead of bottling it up in a jar and locking it away thinking that my feelings, thoughts, and self worth don't matter. Because I do matter. I am a mother, wife, and friend to everyone, yet somewhere I have forgotten that I am also a person who has feelings, desires, and life. I am going to watch the flowers bloom this year instead of wondering why I did not stop to smell them before they died.


Stacie Lang said...

Good for you! I think we could all learn a lesson from you in this matter :)

Susan said...

Love this Kaylynn! We often don't know the inner worries and stresses of those around us. I hope your plan to slow down and enjoy more works well!