Showing posts with label indie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indie. Show all posts

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Great night on dock last night! I nearly finished my Indie socks, so I finished the toes after I woke up this morning. 
 I love them!! I don't remember what yarn this is, but it was a large skein as I still have 35g remaining. 

I went stash diving to find yarn for the next pair. I'm going to knit a pair for Mark, the dock Team Leader. He lets me knit and I know that he will appreciate the socks. I was cautiously optimistic about finding a colourway that I thought would be appropriate, but looky here - 
Result!! I think that he will not be displeased. He told me that his mom used to make him socks; I gathered that they were thicker ones, but he's agreed to give lighter weight ones a go. I'll have to pull out my Handy Book of Patterns  as it's been a long while since I knit socks for anyone else but myself. 

I'm waiting for the computer to install updates so I can download the snooks that Helen and Mark have sent me. 
I am determined to read more this year and be better at logging them on the 50 Book Pledge  I've been a participant for 4 years, but with varying degrees of diligence. 

Just enough time for a nap then before work ... self-care comes more easily when I'm feeling poorly. If I don't take care of myself, I can't take care of the rest of the lot! 

Friday, December 30, 2016

Great Week

It's been a productive knitting week!! 

I have finished a sock, started the 2nd one AND gotten through the increase sections of the Born Trippy scarf.
I also used the bread maker that Craig bought me for Xmas. It won't get used overmuch with just the two of us, but he was well impressed with the initial offering. 
Born Trippy has a section using just the MC, and I considered starting with it - that would have eliminated a few ends that are created in the increasing. I might still, but I'm going to need a scale (which is at mine) to track my usage of the MC. Having the solid MC section inside the scarf will also break up the length of the striped sections. There really is more to this than one would initially assume. I'm quite certain that I'm overthinking this ... I shall sleep on it and let
My subconscious be my guide. 

Craig and I are going to have a lovely evening in for New Years Eve. I had asked him if he had any plans or thoughts on what he'd like to do and he said no, we could do whatever I'd like. I just gave him that, "Really? You know what I wanna do" look, combined with a lopsided grin, and he picked up what I was putting down and said, "We can stay in and knit". He really is a keeper!! 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Mama Needs a New Pair of Socks

So I totally finished Jennifer's Hitchhiker just in time! It was off the needles and blocking before bed last night and ready to wrap this morning. 
It was well received today. Jennifer knits so she appreciates the work that went into it and knows how to care for it. I didn't get a picture of her wearing it tonight, but I'm sure I will soon. 

I started a new sock tonight because it's easy to do whilst chatting up family.  

 It was a lovely evening, I got to know Craig's family better. Food and wine were enjoyed; I'll sleep well with a full belly tonight.