Showing posts with label Len's Mill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Len's Mill. Show all posts

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Doodler clue 3 spoilers

Long busy days at Len's, then loving my sweet, patient puppies, flute practicing, and then power knitting. Sleep, and repeat.
It's crazy, but I find that I get more done when I have more to do!!

Petey pulled a Houdini early this morning sometime, (he hasn't done that in a long time!), and I woke up to this:

I know. He knew that I was quite displeased and that he had lost favour with me.
Fortunately HA Kidd has showed up to stock (I am in Gütermann heaven!!!) their stuff, and I have a pair of Unique needles to work with. I have forgiven him over the course of the day. He's lucky he didn't touch the yarn!!!

We have an opening date of December 14, and product is coming in hard & fast; I'll be nose to the grindstone until then. But I'm loving it - all the fibrey goodness I can stand. Not quite the quality of yarn that I choose to knit with in my own time, but it still gives me pleasure to manage it. And the fabric --- I just walk up and down aisles touching and looking sometimes.

I have finished clue 3 of The Doodler with only 3 wedges.

I should have liked to do 4, but don't have enough yarn and I didn't have another colour that really suited. Just as well, I'm all set for Clue 4. Which *didn't* come out on my way home tonight. Lol!!

A colleague from London is cooking gnocchi in my kitchen for the potlucky tomorrow. The hotel has a microwave, not conducive to proper cooking! She's been up in Barrie for the last month helping set up the fabric & upholstery sections, and will be staying to see her efforts through to fruition. I'm going to miss her!!

I'm going to spend the time waiting for the next clue knitting on a Secret Project that I've been neglecting for far too long!!

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Thursday, October 1, 2015


5 3/4 years at The Mighty Mart of Wal is coming to an end.

I was offered the position of Assistant Manager at the Len's Mill that will be opening soon in Barrie.

It wasn't the slam dunk decision you might think. WM is job security, straight up. I had to weigh some pros and cons, but in the end this is definitely the right time to make this move.

I will be working with a manager that I know and respect, and who respects me and my abilities.

It's going to be rough working out my last week at WM; I've come to know a lot of people quite well, and care about them. We'll stay in touch, and there's always Facebook. Lol.
Needless to say, it was a very busy day.

I cast on a shawl tonight! The Vanessa Ives MKAL.

I am generally a fan of a pointy tipped needle, but I am happy for the mid-pointiness of the Denise 2 Go needles, as the fine 4ply cotton of the Shirley Brian yarn is easily split.

I had to buy beads for it, and when I was standing in Michaels, vowing that I would not pay upwards of $80 for beads, I Googled "beads Barrie". I didn't really expect anything *in* Barrie, just something not too far out.
Mhai O Mhai beads is right in Barrie!!!
Less than $15 had me a couple of strands of beads in two colours that should make my shawl a show piece!!

I am so excited. They offer classes so who knows what I might get up to!!

Anyway. I've been neglectful of myself today and a decent diner is earned and an early bedtime to put paid to the migraine plaguing me. A good day after all is said and done though.

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