Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

This 'n That

I finished my Doodler!! It's not been blocked, I really will do that this week, but it's done. I'm quite pleased with it.

I have picked up the Secret Shawl and have been working on it.

The linen had been hard on my hands, but I am pleased that it's almost done; tonight should see it to a conclusion.
I am a fiber snob, preferring natural fibres. I especially love the way that plant fibres soften with wear & work. It makes using garments made with them a special pleasure.

Chica loves her squeaky toy. She was quite amusing today in her gentle relentless chewing.

Petey has this quirk where he will "sing" whenever there is any operatic music, whether it's on the tv or stereo. Every. Time.
He also derives an intense pleasure from licking my toes.

I generally don't find it ticklish, so it's a winning bonding time for us.
Chica has never shown such an interest, so fortunately there are no fights near my 'ickle piggies!! She has her fave spot on my lap.

I took advantage of a cold day to defrost my freezer. It was well past time, but I needed an alternate "freezer" to use to get the job done whilst maintaining food safety standards.

Thank you Mother Nature!!

Don't forget to comment on this blog post to be entered to win the Denise-2-Go circular needle set.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

No Bad News Today

China Clouds progress = excellent!!! I'm almost at the armhole shaping of the back - I might really get this done this month!!!
I am at the halfway point on my On The Easy Side sweater. It weighs 302g which contradicts the 2 part of balls #5 & 6 (which weigh 26g) that I'm on. So I should be good to take out a dark skein & a light skein (I still have 2 light-ish skeins and I only need one for the end of the 2nd sleeve) and still be able to finish the sweater. The extra 28g won't be problematic - as soon as I hit the spot on the 2nd sleeve where the light skein needs to be introduced I'll switch to the light skein.

I totally forgot to show you the Signature Needle Arts sock blockers
that I received as a gift!! My love for Signature needles is quite well known so this was totally the perfect gift - I can't wait to finish a pair of socks!

AND I won a contest!! It turns out that 800 is my lucky number! Amanda helped me to pick out Vacation as our colourway. You all also know about my love for handdyed yarn so this was a completely excellent win!! Amanda has requested mittens ... she also wants a slouchy winter hat.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

And the Winners Are ...

Because I've made y'all wait so long - I was driving a couple of nights, then there was knit night in Barrie, then the Knitty yarn tasting at the Purl then I was completely knackered then I worked at Knit & Quilt and then today I've been diligently hard at it with China Clouds - I've decided to draw 3 additional names for individual skeins of 3 Irish Girls yarn. With no further ado, the winners are:

Grand Prize - 3 skeins of 3 Irish Girls: Mary H.

Runners- up - 1 skein each of 3IG: Aunt Rhodie, Alynxia & Chris O'Neil (musta been the luck 'o the IrishSt. Patty's Clover Pinwheel !!!) Let me know if you have a colour preference & I'll hope that y'all don't pick the same one.

Please contact me at: kwpATsympaticoDOTca with your addresses & I'll post the yarn next week.

Thanks to everyone for your comments - I wish that I had enough for you all!
China Clouds will look totally better once the ends are done in & it's blocked, but I'm very happy with my progress. I've also tucked in quite nicely with Olivia
- a Noro Kureyon vest from Jenny Watson's Catwalk book.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Toronto Spiders - Brought it!!

We rocked it out and had a great time doing it! There's a great article in the Toronto National Post today (pg 3); here's the link to the online version.
There is a team in the Czech Republic competing this year - they'll be doing their sweater on the 14th - nice for WWKiP Day!!! - so we won't know how we finish in the standings until the 15th, but we're all agreed that we champions no matter what!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Knitting Daily contest

The Knitting Daily's Yarn Spree Giveaway is now open to Canadian entries so go and vote for your Fav LYS (The Needle Emporium) for your chance to win a $300 shopping spree!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ahoy - Treasure!!!

I were going to blog about me bountiful knitting such happenings when, shiver me timbers!!! Avast - treasure!! We pirates don't go in for fancy words and such smarmy nonsense but. Yer a fine mate Woolgirl. Arrr - that's all I'll be sayin' about that. And I'll have ye in Davey Jones' Locker if ye be telling anyone the tale of me goin' soft!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

In Which Our Heroine Says "Ouch"

or You Can Teach an Old Dog new Tricks but It'll Hurt

or Could I Have an Ice Pack and Some Tylenol3 with that Rum & Coke?

Apparently you use some unique muscles in your back when you ride a bike. And when I say "unique" I mean muscles that you don't use to sit on your ass & drive a bus or knit. And when put into service these muscles will complain. Loudly and painfully. But she
wouldn't be your Heroine if she curled up and cried (even though that was her first second repeating impulse).

The left front of Vivacious is complete and the
back has been started.
eaded strands for Amanda's bedroom doorway were nearly thrown in the garbage untangled.
The Hydrangea Lace Scarf has been started. I couldn't get a nice picture, even with the Ott light, so I'll try again tomorrow with some natural light.
I started a new project for Elise - a child's sweater called Radiant Rays. This one is done in the round. and since it's so small I just started on it. The gauge is a bit off so I will start on it again tomorrow.
I did call in sick for my PM bus run to go to the doctor - much to the chagrin of The Evil Slave Driver. They will be pleased that the anti-inflammatory and Tylenol are working well together and I should be fit for duty in the morning.
No worries - I'll be back on the bike in a couple of days. Geez, just when I was really starting to really get the hang of riding on those rollers!!
I'm looking forward to a wonderful long weekend after which there will only be 5 more weeks of school. Can I hear an "Amen!!"?

Congrats to the Thunder Bay Weavers & Spinners Guild for a great effort in their 1st B2B! I hope that they come back again next year.
Don't forget about The Contest.