Things have been quiet around here lately. For many reasons really, but mostly I have been uninspired and we've been busy. The stomach flu has hit all but me in our house, I am bracing myself because if Jay gets it, the guy who rarely gets sick, I am so doomed. I've been quite productive over the last few days given the threat of being horizontal for 12 - 36 hours in the near future.
As you will notice, the Christmas baking* is done. The pictures are as random as I foresee this post being.

Nanaimo bar
The Christmas shopping is finished. Mostly. It's getting harder as the boys get older, do you know how many different type of Power Rangers there are? Making sure I got just the right one gave me a headache, that's how many.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls
Jack had his very first piano recital yesterday and got to play on a baby grand. He was a bit intimidated but played his piece, from memory, the best he's ever played it. Clearly he does not get this from his mother, who cracks under the spotlight and pressure equally well. Oh and did I mention he barely slept the night before and was incredibly overtired? Someone please explain to me why 8 year olds need to have sleepovers? Why yes, I am the Grinch's long lost cousin, why do you ask?

I think part of the reason I have been uninspired for post is twofold. Firstly, the boys are older, there are fewer stories that I free comfortable sharing on the public domain that is the Internet. And secondly, I think I might be losing my oomph for this here blogging thing. I have felt a shift in the ambiance of the blogosphere and thought it was just me but friends, who are also bloggers, have felt a similar shift. I won't be quitting, because those
books I had printed of my posts are wonderful to go back through. I am pretty sure Twitter is going to go though. I don't really use it, but I sure do waste time on there reading other's tweets. I am fairly certain there are other, better uses of my time. Now if I could just figure out how to implode my Twitter account. How hard could it be?

Eatmore Bars - they really do taste almost identical to the chocolate bar we have here in Canada
Not hard, so I found out. Twitter account deleted. I kind of feel good about that though there are people that I only communicate with on Twitter. It's all about priorities.

Scuffles - the only non-chocolate treat I make
I haven't been running in the last couple of weeks because this place I live in, you know, the quasi Arctic, well it's up to it's old tricks. It's colder than you can imagine out there so running is out of the question. I miss it but I don't. It's weird.

Mars Bars - made with the chocolate bar
Well if you read this riveting post, you deserve a care package of treats! Maybe Santa will bring me some inspiration for the New Year since this is likely the second to last post of 2009. What's the last one, well that cliffhanger (don't worry I am not that delusional) will keep you coming back, right?
* recipes can be emailed if you are interested