Showing posts with label Daily Truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily Truth. Show all posts

Friday, June 28, 2013

a little reminder from an older post.....

Finally moving forward... Our souls always knows when it's time to move on. We fight those feelings, we resist them...we try to stuff them down or shoo them away....but our souls are persistent and keep sending fact, messages usually start coming from every direction when it is time. It is hard to move on. It is hard to embrace the changes that moving on brings. It is hard to navigate away from what is comfortable and what we know....even when we know we've outgrown it or that it is destructive to us in many ways. Many times, we stay in places where we know we don't belong simply because it is what we know...and we are too afraid of moving on and into what we don't know. Listen to those gentle and not-so-gentle pushes that your soul is trying to communicate. Moving on is important....if we don't move forward, we stay stuck. It's like a stream...or a river...when it stops moving, it gets mucky and contaminated........we need to constantly be finding our flow...we need to be growing and learning and moving. Move on, sweet friend, if that is what your soul is urging you to do....and keep moving and moving and moving...... Keep moving forward.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Inspiration for 2012

I was asked to create a mini album for the New Year for Bella Blvd....

I decided to create an Inspiration Album for me to look at on a regular basis, and no need to worry about going back to it....because they are not resolutions!

You can see the and read about it over on the Bella Blvd Blog
Here are a few peeks at it!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Be Good To YOU!

It is so important that you give yourself the kind of respect that you would give to someone who has lived through all that you have lived through. It is so important that you are compassionate with yourself, that you are gentle with yourself, that you are patient with yourself. It is so important that you continue to remind yourself that you have made it through tough things and that you will continue to make it through things. It is so important that you give yourself credit for what you have learned so far instead of comparing yourself with others. It is so important that you cheer yourself on, instead of putting yourself through the ringer. It is so important that you are fair and kind with this sacred information that you have about yourself. No one, aside from our Creator, knows what we know about ourselves, and so we must be careful and responsible and a noble guardian over these things.

You are worth whatever it takes for you to be respectful, kind, patient and good to yourself. Listen to your heart, listen to your dreams, listen to the things that hurt and take care of them. No matter how much someone else loves you, they can not know what it means to BE you, and so you must do the work of BEing you, and taking care of you.

The Brave Girls Club....xoxo

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Amen to THAT!

There are many things that spread and spread and spread...far and wide and deep.
You could be THE ONE who makes a huge difference in not just spreading wonderful things, but in making sure that not so good things don’t spread so much.

One of the best ways you can do this, beautiful soul, is to stop the gossip when it gets to you. One of the fastest moving and most destructive forces around is gossip...and it not only hurts the person(s) who is the subject of the conversation, but it hurts the souls of anyone hearing it or spreading it.

Kindly tell the messenger that you are certain that there are valuable and wonderful things about this person, and that is what you are choosing to focus on...and let it go. You could either keep the story moving, or you could stop it with kindness and truth....

Because you see, it really is the truth....EVERYONE has wonderful things about them that we can focus on. If nothing else, focus on the fact that they are a fellow human being...that should be enough to compel all of us to speak with only kindness.

The Brave Girls Club

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


expect absolutely nothing in return...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WOW.....Brave Girl, thank you! xo

Sometimes things happen in life that are completely out of our control that strip us of our self esteem, confidence, and hope. Often these things continue to taint us and put a stain on our lives for years and years, until they distort the truth of who we really are, until we actually start believing the lies that come along with these kinds of experiences.

You are NOT what has happened to you, no matter what the circumstances surrounding the situation. There is NEVER anything that you do or did that makes you deserve to be treated badly, to be abused, or to have horrible things happen to you at the hands of another.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Be Positive

All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain you unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won't succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy.-Wayne Dyer Positive Daily Inspiration


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Love the little birdie....

Little Birdie Featured
Artist of the Day:
Charity Holt
San Diego, CA

Are you suffering from destination frustration?

The fact is, we never really do get 'there' and have it stay 'there' for any length of time without the same amount of work that it took to get 'there'.

Because really, the only destination that we truly have control over is our mindset.

& You are there because you are you.

just a tidbit from the brave girl email today.....

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A message from a little bird.......

.....We all have parts of ourselves that need working on. We all think thoughts that aren't the best thoughts we could be thinking. We all do things we wish we would have done better, or differently, or not at all. We all make mistakes, every single day....every single one of us. And then, we all wake up every day with lots of chances to start over. It is one of the miracles of life.

When mistakes hold us back, they become bigger fact, the holding back that happens could really be an even bigger mistake than the mistake that was originally made! When we do something that we wish we would have done differently, or not at all....we need to do the best we can to make it right, and then let it go. We need to keep moving forward.

Let's not make the bigger mistake of keeping us from the future that is meant for us. You are not your mistakes. You are not your bad mood or your careless act or any of the other labels that come when mistakes are made. You are a human being....and you are learning something new every day. You are getting better and wiser and more equipped. You are doing a great job.

Let yesterday go, be done with it. Walk onto your light-filled path and make today a better day.

Just some food for thought that I think we could all use.....maybe you can use it in a different part of your life than me....but it does pertain to everyone!! Sign up for some Daily Truth here!! The Brave Girls Club

Thanks to a fellow Scrapbooker, friend & Bella Artista Jessica Jo for sharing the inspiration with me!