
Showing posts with label Islands Tourism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islands Tourism. Show all posts

Explore Must-Sees and Must-Dos - On a Solomon Islands Holiday!

Stunning tropical beauty gets translated into Solomon Islands, even after the marks that World War II has etched on its face. The past belongs to a certain era that does belong to this place anymore. The sure sign of this are the stretched hammocks tied to two trees and beach chairs with boldly coloured umbrellas. Solomon Islands Tourismhas become the sole identity (and bread and butter of the locals) of these godly land masses in the sea where nature walks in silent paces appreciating its fine job. Come this vacation, you will love to be a part of the culture and people of this panoramic place.

Who Come Here
Before you were planning to visit Solomon Island, how did you come to know about it? Did you read an article on travel sections of the news sites or a travel author convinced you? Or you belong to a different set of people interested in Solomon for their own reason, especially the place itself?
The history which is associated with Solomon Islands has many facets. That became the draw of historians, culture specialists, NGOs and journalists. Then, there is the other world who wants to get more acquainted by the Solomon ways. This includes divers (with special inclination for Solomon Islands diving/diving Solomon Islands), botanists, marine scientists, seafood connoisseurs, water sportsperson and many others.

After all the above categories, we are left with last but not the least, tourists who enjoy every bit of what they find here. Let us see what we have for them here.

The wonders of Sea- Solomon Diving
Water adventure is one of the major aspects that are promoted in a perfect Solomon Vacation itinerary. For kids of tender age, snorkelling does just fine. For more mature sea fun, water surfing, scuba diving, etc can be taken just on a cue. If you didn’t try them before, these islands could be your best learning grounds.

For Your Taste Buds Only- Solomon Seafood
If you have come down to these islands and haven’t tasted the native food (seafood to be exact), you haven’t started with good things yet. You can choose to catch your own seafood first and then get it cooked in front of your eyes. Liked the idea or are you tasting it already? Well, fresh sea food and delectable local culinary is a highlight you wouldn’t miss on.

A Treat for Senses- Solomon Wines
When it comes to wines what are the places that come to your mind? French and Italy are there, of course but add Solomon Islands to the list and you would never regret it. Club with any seafood and you will love the feel of the wine on your tongue and later, throat.

The Regulars
After you have settled yourself in any of the best Honiara hotels, you can start looking around. Everywhere, the nature, at its regular pace, can be found on any sunny day. You just need to make your mind up for the place you would like to start with. Some of the best places for that are Honiara, Gizo, Santa Isabel, Guadalcanal, Tulagi, Marovo Lagoon, Malaita Island, etc. So, where to?

Author Bio: Amanda Cairos is a travel geek who loves to visit new and exciting places. She loves travelling to Solomon Islands on most of her vacations. Besides travelling she spends her time sharing her views and writing about famous travel destinations of the world.