Sunday, April 1, 2007

People Are Weird

I don't think I will ever understand where some customers' heads are at. A guy came into my work today and started looking around at all of the TVs. We have 5, it's a sports/dive bar. I asked him if he was looking for anything in particular (so that I could change the channel to whatever he wanted to watch) and he gave me a dirty look and said he was just seeing what was on. Then, when I told him that we were out of avocado, he told me that I should have picked some up on my way to work. After throwing the menu at me, he informed me that he would "not be ordering anything from me ever again". I guess I should forgive him, apparently he's from a place where wearing tie-dyed shirts and being a jerk are still socially acceptable.

It makes me grateful for the regulars who drink beer out of the pitcher, watch Nascar, and sing country songs to me. :)

By the way, I'm addicted to the Food Network!


Barbara said...

Yes Traci, sonme people are jerks! All we can do is feel sorry for them because they are missing so much.

Dr Dan said...

Wow...I think that same guy used to come into our music store!

stephanie said...

what a weirdo! sounds like an interesting place to work. i am so glad you started a blog!