Thursday, September 25, 2008

Millions of peaches....peaches for me

Last year I decided to take on canning peaches and apple sauce. It turned out to be a success so I have done it again, and I must say, they turned out pretty darn good... Thanks dad and kerry for supplying the fruit. I literally couldn't have done it without you and while Im at it, I'd like to thank kate for playing so happily and watching clifford, or as she would say Clipper, while I pressed on in the canning process (she was neglected that day), I'd also like to thank my husband for his support as I attempt to take on the Suzy homemaker role. oh and for those of you that try my peaches and like them, I'd like to thank my fans.


Colleen, Mike, Abbie and Aimee said...

I think I will start calling you Susie...Like "Susie Homemaker"...Way to go! Those look SOOOOO good! I don't even own a mom is disappointed! She is the I leave it to her! Great job...and Happy Anniversary!

Have a good day...Susie!!!:)

Katie Bell said...

Can I be one of your fans....that would be fun!