Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Slowly, better

This is a picture I took on a trip to the local Butterfly Garden.  Just including it because I thought it was pretty!

I'm doing better.  It's weird to have my house as packed up as it is.  But I've been focusing on little things: I got up and took a walk this morning.  I have several errands I don't want to do, so I wrote them down and am working on them a couple at a time.  That sort of thing.  You know, picking up boxes at the licquor store, cancelling our gym membership, those type things.  I hate doing stuff like that, I have no idea why.  I think in my past life I was a recluse. :-)

But hub is working in the city and isn't getting home until 6 or so, so I need to take care of what I can.  I'm jut so thankful he is working.  It's been pretty grim for temp construction down here, so we both are thankful for that.

Have a good one.

1 comment:

PlumPetals said...

Glad things are getting better :)