Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tattoo's.....Okay so if you know me, you know i have a weird fascination with tattoo's, or maybe more like it I have a weird fascination with tormenting  my husband with the idea that i will get a tattoo some day.  

so for the time being instead of a tattoo, I got a face painting book!!!  It brings back so many memories from childhood, someone got us the Klutz Facepainting book for a gift and it was WELL used!

the other day i got a bee in my bonnet and had to get the book right now!  and so i did!  I practiced last night on my leg and had a blast! 

I fell asleep with them on my leg, and when Ryan woke up it was the first thing he noticed and he wanted it right away!! no breakfast and peeing first, he needed his arm painted first!  after flipping through the book like 3 times and changing his mind about 43 times he finally settled on a snake and Caroline got a cute little flower on her cheek!
Summer fun


Lisa said...

So fun! we did have lots of fun with that book. I had forgotten.