Sunday, June 27, 2010

Our night time routine....

 a soothing ice cream
 she needed the spoon because she kept trying to dig the ice cream out with her fingers and then they kept freezing and then she would cry in pain.

next a little naked ride around the yard
(he snuck into the backyard while i was trying to dry Caroline off after their bath)
looks like he is really sleepy right???

winding down with dad!! 

little night cap
it was just water

now it's off to bed....
makes me sleepy just looking at pictures and knowing this all happened with in a span of about an hour!
nighty night

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dear Mimi and Gramps,

Thank you so much for a wonderful, sweaty, hot, fun filled, wiped out,fabulous, patience filled, memory filled, camping trip!!  Here are a few more pictures of the highlights.

Gramps chillaxn'

 He may or may not be trying to catch a ride from Reese
she was a lucky girl!  look at that mess!
Ryan's new best friend Beau!!  He was the best cowboy, so kind and great with the kids!  We went on an hour ride just Katie, Delaney, me and Ryan!  It was the  best ever and one of my favorite memories with Ry so far.   Beau let us run the horses and Ryan couldn't get enough!

Me and my sicky girl-she had Hand Foot and Mouth Disease(not fun, blisters in her mouth, bottoms of her feet, bum, and lips)she was a mess!!

Mimi and Liney Girl

Ryan and I swam all the way out to the buoy-swimming out was the easy part, swimming in a little more difficult!

playing in the sand
feet in the water + gubbie in the mouth = perfect afternoon

wanted to swim all by herself!

hands in the sand!

Camping with the Fam!

Cowboys and Horses
Pure JOY!

A little skeptical!

Water gun fights!

Ready too RIDE!

That smile says it all

Running down the trail!

tuckered out!

a little face painting 

home town parade 

running for candy!

down home 

been up since 4am

sharing a snowcone

messy face

sticky mess


messy girls
loving some s'mores

Monday, June 14, 2010

(british accent required while reading)
Look, we have found them in their natural surroundings.  Do you think the elephants notice the crocodile in the water right next to them??
It's a jungle out our backyard.  I went out to see what Ryan was up to and he had place all of his animals in different habitats through out our backyard.  The lions, cheetahs and giraffes were all in a dry spot in the lawn.  The horses and cows were in between a dry and grassy spot all corralled up with some hay to eat.
While I typically don't let him take these animals outside I thought it was really fun to see his little imagination at work!

Oh I also found a little Jurassic park back there too...

and while we were in the wild mood ryan wanted to join his wild animals and become one of them
i want to be a daddy lion!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I have a couple of great babysitters, which has made date night alot of fun and alot more frequent!

Thanks for a fun night hon!
Look date night is so much fun I was able to get a picture and a smile!!  That's a red letter day!

Thanks Steve and Joann for a fun night out!  We had a great time!

Tattoo's.....Okay so if you know me, you know i have a weird fascination with tattoo's, or maybe more like it I have a weird fascination with tormenting  my husband with the idea that i will get a tattoo some day.  

so for the time being instead of a tattoo, I got a face painting book!!!  It brings back so many memories from childhood, someone got us the Klutz Facepainting book for a gift and it was WELL used!

the other day i got a bee in my bonnet and had to get the book right now!  and so i did!  I practiced last night on my leg and had a blast! 

I fell asleep with them on my leg, and when Ryan woke up it was the first thing he noticed and he wanted it right away!! no breakfast and peeing first, he needed his arm painted first!  after flipping through the book like 3 times and changing his mind about 43 times he finally settled on a snake and Caroline got a cute little flower on her cheek!
Summer fun

Thursday, June 10, 2010

We have started Summer off with a busy bang!!

Friday we went to the Museum with Jess and her gaggle of kids and had a blast.  We were even crazy enough to take all six kids out to dinner to La Madeline.  It was so much fun and can't wait to do it again
here's half of them, they had a blast playing in the fountain out in front of the museum!

and i think we were successful because she was OUT!

Saturday we started the day with doughnuts and then a trip out to Mimi's.  We hit up our favorite Thrift Store and got all kinds of great thing for the back yard!  Then it was over to Mimi's to swim the afternoon away.  Caroline really developed a love of swimming and is now ready to go.  She was dunking herself in the water so we would let her swim.

Sunday was of course a low key church day with alot of rest, which was much needed.

Monday, not sure I think we stuck around the house.

Tuesday we headed out on the train to go to the Dallas Museum with Shalene.  We had a great time even though Ryan was less then charming and spent half of the trip buckled in the stroller since he decided it might be a good idea to run off to a different part of the museum while I was attending to Caroline.  He has never run off before, and boy was the scary, I had a good idea of where he went and I was right but still!  Hopefully being locked in the stroller for the REST of the day will nip that on in the bud!!
Hogging all the snacks on the train ride over to the museum.

Not so happy about being in the stroller!

She wasn't so sure about getting in the sand, but got over it pretty quickly!

My little man before he went on lock down!

She is always happy behind the wheel!!  I feel ya' sister!

survived the train ride home from the Dallas Museum, but the lady who tried to hush my 1 year old with two minutes left in our ride almost didn't make it to her car-i'd like to see her keep two kids under three quite for an hour at 7pm with no naps and no dinner yet-oh no you didn't!!!
 I am still annoyed about this lady, really the nerve of some people, what mom like to listen to her own children cry???

Wednesday we went to a fun pool party at a friends house!!  Everyone had a blast!

Today we went to Jump for Fun and Cabelas!
Caroline couldn't get enough of the slides at Jump for Fun

Look at that smile, is that girl having fun or what??

Playing that hard makes you REALLY thirsty!

Next we were off to Cabelas, Ryan had a blast so much so we left with him crying that he wanted to see more animals and that we forgot his gun(which he doesn't have)!

Look at that moose, Caroline was so sleepy her head was buried in the corner of the stroller sound asleep!

the missing gun he was bawling about!

What a fun week we have had!!  Tomorrow we are off to a birthday party, and then next week we are going camping!!

Summer is the best!!!