I came up with this idea for painting Whitewash on Soviet tanks many years ago- in Flames of War terms it was when Za Stalina the book came out (which is a while...) when I painted up 15 T34 76mm tanks, then proceeded to sell them. Regretting that everytime I wanted Soviets since then, I still wanted to have another crack at the colour scheme.
So with the aid of a helpful M4 Sherman, here is the Poochie Whitewash technique!
Start by assembling and undercoating the tank.
I use just a cheap matt black spray can from the local hardware store, although I have started using German Armour Grey from the Battlefront range for a couple of things and have liked it, so might keep looking into that too.
Then apply Vallejo Russian Green over everything on the model (because almost all of it is green!)
Then put some Vallejo white onto a flat surface- I personally use the plastic packaging that minis come in for this, I think the example is from a Dystopian Wars large ship!
Then using a piece of foam from the packaging (recycle here team), get a small amount of white paint onto the foam, then dab it on to the miniature. Key points here are having a small amount of white paint (it is easier to add more than take away), and to make sure to dab rather than brush. This will leave a few gaps in the white to allow the green underneath to show through. Don't put whitewash onto the roadwheels of the tank, these were left green according to the photos I have seen.
Next step is to paint the tracks of the tank, which I use Dark Rust for (more Vallejo), pretty simple case of painting the tracks with the colour, can't say much more than that...
Next step is really the only other tip I have, and that is using German Camo Medium Brown (I love this colour), and dab it on just like the whitewash, but focusing on the wheels, tracks and underside of the tank. I tend to turn it upside down to do this, then with a little German Camo Brown on the foam square basically dab on the brown to simulate a bit of early winter mud spread up over the tank!
Then from there, it is a case of painting the stowage (I use Khaki and Flat Brown usually), as well as painting the tools and machineguns with Gunmetal Grey.
If you are like me, you will have accidentally put too much white onto areas such as the hatches on the turrets, totally obscuring the details. My solution is to use Games Workshop's Nuln Oil ink wash over the hatch, just to make the details reappear. After all, the hatches would have lost their whitewash probably first out of any part of the tank due to the most wear and contact.
So, you should be able to end up with something like this...
Clear as mud? I know it doesn't seem like much of a how to (or at least that's what it seems to be like for me writing it), really, it is a very simple way to paint quick, good looking winterised Soviet tanks.
If you have any questions on how I did it, or ways it could be better or anything else really about it, especially if you were to try it for yourself, put something in the comments about it, I would love to hear it!
Tune in next time, same bat time, same bat channel...