Thursday, March 6, 2014


I have no excuse for not posting on here more. Life just happens and I have not taken the time to make writing on the blog a priority. I need to though because I LOVE looking back and reading all the older post. They make me laugh, cry, and sigh as I realize all that life brings to us. So in the next couple weeks I am going to do a post on each of the kids and what they are up to lately.

Starting with me and Tyler today. We just moved into a new home (new to us) and are finally feeling more at home here in Ohio. We are renting to own it and so excited to have a place to call our own. It is a beautiful home and is almost everything we have dreamed of. Tyler's favorite part is the gym in the basement. And he is doing an excellent job of using it to it's fullest. He has been working out every morning at 5 am for the last 6 months. His goal has been to become Thor jr and he is doing fabulous at obtaining that goal. He is incredible to me at the dedication he has when he puts his mind to something. He did give me one corner of the gym and, of  course, I put my treadmill there. I am not so dedicated on the working out but I am doing my best.

This winter has been a beast. It just will not end and the cold is to cold. Like, you want to cry it is so cold kind of cold. You can't drive your car because it hurts to touch the stirring wheel kind of cold. We don't leave the house unless we absolutely have to kind of cold. It has been awful and I am so looking forward to spring. I have learned a couple of things through this winter though... My Heavenly Father is very aware of me and my needs and having a big, empty basement is a must for winters in Ohio.

Tyler is coming to the end of his 2nd year of residency...Wahoo!!!! Only one more year to go and time is flying lately so it will be a quick one. He was just asked to be the chief resident for his residency. He is nervous about it but I know he will do a most excellent job of it. He is a wonderful teacher and loves what he does. I really am proud of him for all that he has accomplished.

Sometimes I feel that I am way behind on our adventure called life. I have not accomplished all that Tyler has or gained the knowledge that he has gained. I feel a little below the mark of where I should be compared to him. But then I look at my children and I see all that I have truly accomplished. Mine is not one that is recognized by all but it is one of great worth. I am so thankful to be a mother. To be the mother of MY children. They are truly a blessing to me. I feel overwhelmed at times at the world that they are living in. I feel a need to protect them, to guard them from the evils of the world. To teach them how to withstand the temptations of this life. I want them to know and understand who they are. I pray that they will gain a testimony of their own so that when they are away from me, they can stand strong and immovable. I LOVE that I am a mother and I thank my Heavenly Father for allowing me this.

I was reading in the book of mormon the other morning and read about King Benjamin teaching the people how we are all lower than the dust of the earth. We are nothing. This kind of bothered me cause I have never felt like I was nothing to the Lord. But as I read on further he continued to say that we are nothing without our Savior and with him we are of great worth. This has been a life lesson lately. Many times I have been brought to my knees, tears flowing, asking for guidance and peace in my life. Each time I remember a scripture "Be still, and know that I am God." My life is nothing when I forget this but when I remember this and do all that I can to do his will, I am blessed beyond measure in ways that I would never imagine.

In other words, I am very grateful for my life. I am grateful for every challenge that comes my way. Each one helps me to grow closer to my Savior and closer to my goal in have eternal life. I love the gospel.

Keep posted for an update on Hallie

Sunday, August 11, 2013

New family pictures

My awesome sister took our family pictures while we were in Utah. I love how bright and sunny they look. She is such a talented girl. Thanks so much for taking these. 
You are hired for all the years to come.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Change is good...right?

Sometimes I get set in our little life and think all is going great (or not so great sometimes) but realize that the Lord has completely different plans for us. As many of you know, Tyler signed a contract with Nephi, Utah to work at their hospital when he was done with residency. Well, after a very long, lonely, depressing winter we decided to think about moving our little family to the same town that Tyler does his residency in. We started house hunting and praying about what we should do. After much prayer and thought we decided it was best for us to move. We found a house and signed the lease and started packing our stuff into those dang boxes again.
A week away from moving, Tyler's dad calls him and tells him  he needs to reconsider staying in Ohio after residency. Better pay, great people to work with and so on. I told him no way. We are moving back to Utah. Our kids need it. I need it. I am ready to be home. Next day, I ask Tyler if he wants to stay here and work. NO...I want my kids to grow up with friends I know and trust. I tell him that I trust him and will go with him wherever he needs to be. Conference weekend comes...a lot about missionary work. One talk specifically talks about blooming where you are planted."One thing we have often been taught is to bloom where we are planted. Yet sometimes we are tempted to migrate to some new area, thinking our children will have more friends and therefore better youth programs."Elder Stanley Ellis April conference 2013.
Again, we talked about what we need to be doing. And then we couldn't stop talking about it. We say many prayers and ask for guidance. I got my answer and I know that we need to stay in Ohio. I am not going to lie...I shed many tears and had a breakdown or two. But after Tyler got his answer to, we both felt so peaceful and right about it. 
So, after all is said and done, we will be staying in East Liverpool, Ohio for the next 7 years (he signed a 5 year contract with them). I have really learned to trust the Lord in all that happens in my life. I know that for some reason we need to stay here. I know that it will be hard and there will be many times I wish we could go back home. But we have a new home for the next little while and I know that my little family will be very blessed for it. 
It is an exciting adventure that we get to go on together. We have already had so many opportunities to share the gospel and I know we will have many more. Such an exciting time to be living the gospel. I am so thankful to be a part of this wonderful work!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Melt my heart...

Annie and Barry have been having lots of bad dreams lately. I have told them that when this happens they can say a prayer and it will help them feel better. Barry started saying that he was afraid of the dark even before we turned out the lights at bedtime so I started saying a prayer with him to help him not be afraid. The other night I got down to kiss him good night and asked if he wanted me to say a prayer with him...

Barry "no mom I can say it all on my own."
Me "oh you can? what do you say?"
Barry "Heavenly father, bless me to not be scared of the dark"
Me "Does it help you feel better?"
Barry "Yes, I am not afraid of the dark anymore"

It is so amazing to watch the faith of a little child. He has total faith that when he says his prayers, the Lord will watch over him. I am so grateful for the power of prayer and the amazing blessings it brings to me in my life and in the life of my children.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Jakey is 4 months old now

I have no idea how to add words after I have uploaded pictures to the post so I am doing a separate one to tell a little bit about what Jake is doing now.

He is now 4 months old. He is such a happy baby and will smile at anyone who looks at him. He is always watching me just waiting for me to look at him and when I do he just bust out in grins. He is defiantly a momma's boy and I am really glad. But he still loves his dad. Last weekend Tyler worked both Saturday and Sunday so Jake was asleep when he left and when he came home. Jake had not been feeling good so was not his happy self. Monday morning when Dad picked him up he started gooing and talking non stop to him. I love that he knows who we are.

He is a great sleeper and goes to bed at 7 and wakes about 3 or 4 to eat then goes back down til 7 or 8. Poor little Jake is our little wanderer. He has a crib in the room with Natalie and Barry but because he still wakes during the night I don't dare put him in there. Natalie already has a hard enough time sleeping during the night. So we put him to bed on our bed and then when we go to sleep we move him to the pack and play in the family room. Nap time is in his own crib. Maybe this is why he goes to sleep any where and every where we are.

He has started to roll over on his side, suck his fingers, giggle at stuff, and maybe starting to teeth. We sure love our little man and think he is the perfect caboose for our family.


I love how he holds his little hands

Who needs a Binky when you have fingers to suck on?

5th child means more down time. But he always has someone talking to him or dancing for him

kinda a blurry one but thought it was so cute the two of them together. Blonde and blue eyes and brown and brown eyes but they still look so much alike as babies.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Annie turns 7

I just love those big brown eyes and cute little nose of hers. Annie turned 7 on February 1st. I am in total shock over this. I think in my mind I know that Hallie is getting bigger and older but for some reason I think Annie will always be my little donk. But I guess she too will grow up.

Let me tell you about Annie...she is absolutely amazing. She is the first person to think of others. So many times she will tell me of stuff that she has done or is doing for our neighbors. It is adorable and our neighbors just love her for it. Annie is such a smart little girl and loves to read. I will always find her reading to her little brothers and sister. Even before she could actually read, she would memorize the words from when I read to her and then go read them to Barry.

Here she is reading to Barry even before she could actually read

Annie is very creative. She is always creating new pictures and crafts for everyone around her. And again, our neighbors probably have many of her creations. It is never enough for Annie to just draw a picture of make a craft, she is always doing it with someone in mind to give it to.

I love you so much donk. I am so amazed by the person that you are becoming and I am excited to see even more of who you will be as you grow. Keep loving everyone around you cause we sure love you. You are such an important part of our family...without you our home would be void of lots of laughing and love.

Love you mucho, mucho