Showing posts with label troubadour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label troubadour. Show all posts

Monday, 29 June 2015


    World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved

A pair of strolling troubadours, at least that's what ran through my mind when I saw these two guys with their guitars slung over the shoulders. I spotted them making their way along Southview Drive a few days ago, as I have mentioned before there seem to be a large number of folk in Wanstead who play stringed instruments. Do we have a large number of music teachers in the area, I only know of one...

I also checked the meaning of troubadour in the dictionary, 'a French medieval lyric poet composing and singing in Provencal in the 11th to 13 century, especially on the theme of courtly love'.... isn't that delicious, I'm just an old romantic really...