
Showing posts with label For me and you. Show all posts
Showing posts with label For me and you. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Happy Mothers' Day

Dedicated to both Mami: from Left: Nur Zayanah Abdullah & Norzehan Abdullah
 Thanks for everything, I love you. You are my everything.

Mom, without you, there would be no me.
Your love, your attention, your guidance,
have made me who I am.
Without you, I would be lost,
wandering aimlessly,
without direction or purpose.
You showed me the way
to serve, to accomplish, to persevere.
Without you, there would be an empty space
I could never fill, no matter how I tried.
Instead, because of you,
I have joy, contentment, satisfaction and peace.
Thank you, mom.
I have always loved you
and I always will.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Story of someone....

Another story of a person I know whom I know very well.

This person was born about 19 years ago in a small place in our country. After a year he was brought to the city of his state. There he was brought up by his parents. His parents was strict and yet loving towards him. Since he was small he always hear a line from his father "study hard, get good results and get scholarship". He asked why? His father answered " I am not a wealthy person." Then he understand that in order to continue his study next time, he needs to struggle hard. One day, when he was 3 years old, he saw a great person in the television. That person was our 4th Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohammed. That boy asked his father, "How to be a doctor like him?" His father replied, "You need to study hard. It's not easy even to get into a medical school. Besides you need a lot of money to study medicine."

Since that day onwards, this boy keep a dream to be a doctor. Whenever people asked him about his ambition, he answered that he wants to be a doctor. Some of them gave him support while some of them just smiled. He get his early education in a Kindergarten when he was four. Then he went to a primary school. He wasn't a great student in the early stage. His parents were always upset by his results. Since is always in the 6th and 7th position in class. It was until he went into primary 3 where he made some miracle to get 1st in class. Then, he sat for a special exam called PTS. Again he succeed and get into primary 5 without going into primary 4. As usual he needs to sit for UPSR. Again he scored straight A's in UPSR. Seems a nice flow. He got offer from a science boarding school but he declined the offer.

Till he get into Secondary school, again life is like a roller coaster, sometimes up and sometimes down. Again his result drop like hell. Sorry for using the harsh word. Again he gets scolding and some "rattan" from his parents. He told me that it's a usual way of his parents to get him discipline. Well I guess thanks to his parents again he did a miracle in his PMR by getting straight 8 A's. Boy of luck. That's what people called him. Again he got another offer from the same boarding school and again he declined. Then in his high school phase he found a hard time to go through everything. However he knew that he is going to sit for SPM which will determine if he can achieve his so called ambition, a doctor. Yes again he made some miracle to score all A's but there's catch a B for biology. By getting a B for biology may wipe off all his hope to be a doctor. His teacher told him in Malay " Macam mana mau jadi doktor, Bio kamu B, percaya dengan cikgu, kamu takkan dapat punya" However he didn't give up his ambition. He applied every scholarship. He was rejected every time. His parents started to get upset because he is too stubborn for not giving up his dreams. It was until one day, a friend of him told him that there's a scholarship offer for a medical school in a place overseas. He applied and he got it. After all those hectic and depressing moment after his results.

Now that friend of mine is a 3rd year medical student. He went through hard time during his first year by repeating 2 subjects. Luckily he passed them in the summer exam. 2nd year he did better, he passed everything in one go. He is not excellent actually but what he always tell me and people is never give up with your dreams. Don't bother what people say. Go for your dream because you'll never know if your dreams will come true. His spirit should be an example to everyone.

Monday, 31 August 2009

Emas dan Permata

Apa kabar semua? Semoga sihat semuanya.

Hari ini saya ingin bercerita, bercerita mengenai sesuatu yang selalu kita tempuhi. Pernahkah saudara semua memiliki sesuatu yang saudara amat sayangi dan hargai? Ataupun pernahkah saudara menemui sesuatu yang saudara ingin sayangi dan hargai tetapi masih belum saudara miliki?

Saya yakin dan pasti kita semua pasti pernah menghadapi situasi sedemikian. Perkara ini merupakan perkara yang mudah. Bagi yang sudah kita miliki, pastikan kita hargai dan jaga benda itu dengan baik. Bagi yang kita belum miliki, usahalah untuk memilikinya. Agak mudah bukan? Bunyinya teramat mudah. Mungkin akan ada yang senyum sinis apabila membaca pengenalan paparan saya pada kali ini.

Namun, apa yang saya mahu cuba sentuh di sini adalah bagaimana pula keadaannya bila kita terpaksa melepaskan sesuatu yang kita sayang dan hargai? Tak kiralah apa benda, perhubungan, pangkat , dan lain-lain. Anda ingin memilikinya , berusaha memilikinya atau telah memilikinya, namun pada suatu hari anda sedar bahawa anda terpaksa melepaskan tangan ke atas benda tersebut atas sebab-sebab tertentu. Mungkin bukan nasib anda untuk memilikinya. Mungkin kesilapan anda menyebabkan anda terpaksa melepas tangan. Mungkin penganiyaan orang lain menyebabkan anda terpaksa melepas tangan. Semuanya keadaan berbeza namun konklusinya sama membawa kepada perbuatan melepaskan tangan yakni anda perlu merelakan benda itu bukan milik anda dan anda perlu terima hakikat bahawa benda itu milik orang lain.

Persoalannya di sini, bagaimanakah kita menangani keadaan ini? Melatah? Merungut? Melawan? Sedih? Atau Merelakannya? Terpulang pada diri sendiri. Tepuk dada, tanyalah apa-apa sahaja yang anda rasa patut. Apa yang penting kesan pada diri anda dan sekeliling anda. Anda perlu menghasilkan satu suasana yang baik kepada diri anda walaupun telah kehilangan sesuatu atau tidak dapat mencapai sesuatu. Ada mungkin yang mengatakan anda cepat putus asa. Namun, adakah anda ingin mengejar sesuatu yang anda sudah mendapat bayangan bahawa anda tidak mungkin memilikinya atau benda itu masih tertutup untuk anda? Bertindak bijak? Tidak mengejar tidak bermakna berputus asa, tetapi bermakna bertindak bijak untuk mencari persekitaran dan cara yang lebih baik untuk diri sendiri. Fikir-fikirkanlah saudara dan saudari yang bijaksana. Ini hanyalah sedikit coretan daripada insan yang kerdil.

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Out of difficulty makes miracle

Assalamualaikum dear friends,
After a short break from writing, at last, an idea suddenly struck out from my mind to write about: out of difficulty makes miracle. I still doubt to either write in English or in my beloved national language Bahasa Malaysia. However, since almost the whole world understand English better, I'll write in English. It's not that I am denying the importance of Bahasa Malaysia but it's just that I choose to write in English. If I have time, I'll write it's translation in Bahasa Malaysia.
Okay, we'll start to talk about the topic. It sounds nonsense right? How can difficulty causes miracle? Miracle? Does miracle ever happen in this world? I asked myself that question before. You should ask yourself if miracle will ever happen in this world? Big question mark for us? Maybe if we found the answer, it would change our life.
Enough with that confusing introduction. Let's see about difficulty. I have no doubt all of us had gone through at least some diffculties in our life. Don't be hypocrite and say you have never faced difficulties. Yes maybe some really never faced it, just like one of my friend who is always accompanied by his "luck". Ask yourself my dear friends, what would you do if you are facing difficulty or any obstacles in your life? Faced it, run away from it, settle it or even deny it? Any problem can come to us at anytime. It can be anything. It can be about your carrier, your love life, your friendship, your family and even it maybe just between you and yourself.
Obstacle or difficulty is not always a bad thing that will harm your life if you really know what you should do to handle it. I'll give you some examples. This are quite real examples where I have seen in my life. There's a student, who failed few subjects in his first year of studies. It was a very hard year for him. With that failure, he faced another obstacle where he lost his so called beloved girlfriend who left him for no reason. It seems so difficult right? I am doubting myself if I could go through this type of obstacle if it ever happen to me. However, this student, despite of being heart broken because of his failure and his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, he told himself, he will prove to the others that he will never let these failures affect his new life and he will prove to the others he will manage to go through his second year without failing. Yes, everyone including his very own family doubt his ability when he failed, but he prove to everyone that he can do miracle by passing his second year with flying colours.
Well here it shows that, miracles can happen anytime in one condition which is you must work for it. Miracles will never come just like a rolling ball. What I would like to say here is never give up if you are tested with obstacles in your life. You should work a way out to handle and go through all the difficulties in your life. No one can help you if you don't help yourself. No one can motivate you if you don't motivate yourself. No one can change you if you don't change with your own will. So, let us together work hard to achieve our goal and change towards the better side.
"For him are (angels) taking turns (on end) even before him and even behind him, preserving hi from the command of Allah. Surely Allah does not change what is in a people until they change what is in themselves; and when Allah wills (to inflict) an odious (treatment) on a people, then there is no turning back for it; and apart from Him, in no way do they have any patron." -Surah Ar-Ra'd phrase 11-
That's all for now.
Salam 1 Malaysia, Rakyat didahulukan, Pencapaian diutamakan

Friday, 20 March 2009

More Than Words

More Than Words

Saying I love you,

Is not the words I want to hear from you

It's not that I want you

Not to say, but if you only knew

How easy it would be to show me how you feel

More than words is all you have to do to make it real

Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me

Cos I'd already know

What would you do if my heart was torn in two

More than words to show you feel

That your love for me is real

What would you say if I took those words away

Then you couldn't make things new

Just by saying I love you

More than words

Now I've tried to talk to you and make you understand

All you have to do is close your eyes

And just reach out your hands and touch me

Hold me close don't ever let me go

More than words is all I ever needed you to show

Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me

Cos I'd already know

What would you do if my heart was torn in two

More than words to show you feel

That your love for me is real

What would you say if I took those words away

Then you couldn't make things new

Just by saying I love you

Yes this is a love song but if you know how to take the good points from it, it can help you in your life. More than words it's all you have to do to make it real and that's true because in this world, you can only count on words.

Everyone can say, but not everyone can do.

Every Muslim can say they love Allah but how many of you my dear friends who do something more than words to show that you love Allah. Show it by doing good deeds and by following all HIS instruction. By HIS will, we'll get a great payback.

Everyone can say that you love your parents, but how many of you present your love to your parents by action? When was the last time you called them? Who do you call more? You parents or someone else? Question for me and for all of you.

Everyone can say that you love someone, but how many of you do really show it in action? How many of you do really appreciate the one that you love? The greatest relieve for a human being is appreciation. Appreciation in action not only words.

Everyone can say I can do this job or this is just an easy task, but how many of you that really do it? Or are you just wasting your saliva by talking big but acting small?

Everyone can give a task to someone by saying it is a simple job, but how many of you had tried doing it before giving the task to someone else? Or are you just pushing your job to the others and at last you'll get the fame?

In conclusion, all you have to do is totally more than words.

Show and act like how you love Allah.
Show and act like how you love your parents.
Show and act like how you love your career/studies.
Show and act like how you love your love ones.
Show and act like how you love and how you can do your job.
Show and act like a great leader and at the same do your work together with your follower.

By just saying or by just giving words, it won't give any effect. So, show your feelings, your ambitions and your will in action. Sometimes people will feel appreciated by your action more than your words.

That's all and it's all up to you think about it.

If you want to be successful than more than words is all you have to do.

Monday, 23 February 2009

~Creating a new Sherhan

While I am writing this, I am surrounded with lots of feelings. Happy,sad,excited,down and etc. However I have to accept the fact that exam is near that I have to put aside everything including side activities, homesick, love, laziness, excessive sleep and many more things that will disturb my studies. Now, study mode should be on.

What happen last year should not happen this year. Things beside me and things that go together with me should bring me to my success and not bring me down. I should not thing too much besides study. Learn from your mistake and don't take your success as something that will stop you from doing better. Learn something until you really know it. Never make any obstacles as an excuse to stop you from achieving your goals.

Now, other things are not that important to me anymore. Just enjoy my study.