Muara Hati

Showing posts with label Entertainment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entertainment. Show all posts

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Love and Time

Yesterday I watched of my favourite movies...but suddenly, something changes....not the story, but something inside of me...the story makes me think and makes me realise that I no longer believe everything it portrays...

What I mean is, now I have a different view on Jack & Rose love story....I think it appears so great because it happened just for a few we can see, in love, mostly everything will start out great....but the truth will reveal itself little by little through time spent together...their relationship were only in the beginning of the first phase, not yet the second, third, fourth phase where everything will get deeper and deeper...they didn't have time for even a small silly argument

Jack and Rose - two people who were of the opposite could their relationship survive several years? Rose was so used to the finer things in life...would she be willing to spend a few nights sleeping under the bridge like Jack used to? Or having to do various works just to earn a few dollars per week? Could Jack change his way of living just for Rose to be comfortable? Could he be a more responsible person and stop living as carefree as he used to?

Should one change for the other, or should one stay true to oneself?

I guess, it all comes back to the ultimate question that will never have an answer - "what if...."

p.s: does that make me a skeptic, or a realist? probably I'm just no longer a hopeless romantic...

p.p.s: choose a person with opposite characters they say....we will complete each other they!

Monday, 11 April 2011


al-kisah....dh bertaon2 pokcik yg bername iwan pakse sy tgk cite Sepi ...tapi tah nape x tertgk....smpai la bile ayah dh psg UniFi - paksaan iwan soh sy download cite tu semakin menjadi2...oleh kerana tempoh download movie dh berkurang drp beberape hari (kadang2 minggu) kepada beberapa minit, maka tiada lg masalah utk sy layankn paksaan iwan itu...haha

review sy utk cite tu? hurmm...ok sy lg suke Cinta...sbb ade beberape part yg sy rase x logik dlm Sepi tu...cth - nape tetibe je Ilyana (Vanidah Imran) boley suke n fall in love kt Adam (Afdlin Shauki)...pastu nk kawen ngan org lain tp senyap2 je cancel....lg satu, senang2 je Sufi (Tony Eusoff) fall in love kt Marya (Eja) padahal tgh meratapi kematian isteri die (Rozita Che Wan)...apekah?? lagi satu sy x ley terima rambut Iman (Baizura Kahar)...mengganggu konsentrasi je! hahaha...cari la wig yg berkualiti sket...kalo rambut btol pn lg senang kot  >___<

tapi sebenarnye post ni bkn nk komplen psl movie die...hehe....sebenarnye nk bitaw yg sy sgt sgt suke ost cite ni - Sepi nyanyian Yuni Shara....mase tgh tgk cite ni, bile kua je lagu ni mesti rase cam hati mmg btol...sayu tros cari lagu ni, download, n cari lirik die....n skang dh berjuta2 kali denga...ahaks

ni official video (ngan scene2 dlm cite tu) -

(sile pause dulu lagu kt atas kalo nk play video ni)

ni lirik die -

Sepi hati terjadi lagi
Mungkin sampai mati aku sepi
Biar senyum hadir di hariku
Namun ini hanya ada di bibir
Di bibir saja

Aku ini yang bisa mengerti
Walaupun yang lain mahu mengerti
Namun berat beban di hidupku
Biarkan saja
Biar saja hanya ku yang tahu

Sejarah cinta dan hidupku
Penuh duri dan banyak ranjau
Butuh kesabaran yang penuh
Untuk tetap ku berdiri

Ada saatnya ku bicara
Bila hatiku telah bulat
Sepanjang ku bisa atasi semua
Aku tetap diam...

p.s: ost cite2 Kabir Bhatia slalu besh2 kn? ost Cinta - Perpisahan pn besh gak

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Falling Slowly

yes...once again, I succumbed to the overpowering distractions...Astro, Facebook & some other blogs which I can’t resist to check every now and then…*pat on the back*

last nite I slept with a strong determination that I will spend this whole day finishing chapter 2 of my AE…n yet, when I woke up, what was the 1st thing I did? Internet…then? breakfast *duhh* then? sat in front of the tv & watched Astro…%@^%!*&^!

oh why oh why my willpower is that weak…huhu

but there’s one thing I didn’t regret about watching Astro just now…I watched a pretty great movie with nice songs in it…have u ever heard of the movie ‘Once’? It’s a beautiful Irish movie with the tagline – “How often do you find the right person?” yeah…the answer is so obvious =)

I don’t think everybody will like this kind of movie…particularly some people I know…hehe…but everyone has their own personal liking & who are we to judge that?

after watching that movie, I was determined to blog about one of the songs in that movie – ‘Falling Slowly’ originally written and performed by Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova, the lead actor and actress from that movie…quite talented huh…n apparently, this song won the best original song in the Oscar! =)

so here’s the song n the lyrics

I don't know you
But I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react

And games that never amount
To more than they're meant
Will play themselves out

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice
You’ll make it now

Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black

Well you have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice
You've made it now
Falling slowly sing your melody
I'll sing along

nice rite? well, like I said, everyone is entitled to their own liking so no point in arguing over it if u loath it…ahaks ;p

now...I guess I better go back to my chapter 2...haihss...~ =(

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

psst...I have a Crush on...

February....the month of romance & love (for some people)....the most unique month (bcoz some years it has 28 days...some years 29 days...what's not unique about that?)...n the most important month in my life...for those who can't figure out why, maybe u're not that close to me...haha conjunction with this "special" month, I would like to share with u a list of hotties I have a crush on...I know...I know...I'm already 24 this what??? this is purely for fun =)

this list is not in order of preference...wait...maybe just the 1st one *wink* more thing...these are all celebrities...becaaaauuse...I CAN'T and WILL NOT expose my list of 'realistic' crush...EVER! haha

- Jensen Ackles -

Full Name : Jensen Ross Ackles
D.O.B : 1 March 1978
Born : Texas, USA
Descent : Irish, English, Scottish, American
Crush Since : First episode of Supernatural played on AXN (somewhere in 2006)
Trivia : "I'm a mad Gummi fan. I always have Gummis in my trailer. But you can't eat too many because then you get Gummi tummy, and that's no good. I can't believe I'm saying this"

- Chace Crawford -

Full Name : Christopher Chace Crawford
D.O.B : 18 July 1985
Born : Texas, USA (Texas too? wow...Texas guys are hot or what?!!)
Descent : American
Crush Since : Last Gossip Girl
Trivia : His younger sister, Candice, is Miss Missouri USA 2008

- Utt -

Full Name : Greg Uttsada Panichkul
D.O.B : 3 September 1974
Born : California, USA
Descent : Thai-Chinese
Crush Since : long long time ago...probably back in 1998
Trivia : He's been the longest running and most popular MTV Asia vj to date (11 years)

- Geoff -

Full Name : Geoffrey Michael A. Eigenmann (Geoff is pronounced as 'Jeff')
D.O.B : 23 March 1985
Born : Philippines
Descent : Spanish, American, Pinoy
Crush Since : 2005...when his drama 'Hiram' was being played in Astro
Trivia : I like to call him 'Prince Chubby'...his nickname in 'Hiram' cute! =)

- Dennis Oh -

Full Name : Dennis Joseph O'Neil Jr.
D.O.B : 29 August 1981
Born : Texas, USA (what did I tell u about Texas Guys?)
Descent : Korean, American
Crush Since : 2007...when I saw the above picture (the 1st one) on the Net
Trivia : started modeling at the age of 16 as he applied for a model contest he had heard from the radio by chance while working out in his basement

- Dermot Mulroney -

Full Name : Dermot Mulroney (duhh)
D.O.B : 31 October 1963 (he may be old now...but in my heart, he's still 'Micheal' in My Best Friend's Wedding...haha)
Born : Virginia, USA
Descent : Irish, American
Crush Since : My Best Friend's Wedding
Trivia : Good friend with Brad Pitt & born on the same day as Rob Schneider

- Diether -

Full Name : Diether Ocampo Pascual
D.O.B : 19 July 1976
Born : Philippines
Descent : Pinoy
Crush Since : Sana'y wala ng wakas (2003)
Trivia : his new girlfriend (Rima Lorza Ostwani) is a resemblance of his ex-wife (Kristine Hermosa)...coincidence? =)

- James Dean -

Full Name : James Byron Dean
D.O.B : 8 February 1931
D.O.D : 30 September 1955 (sob..sob)
Born : Indiana, USA
Descent : British, American
Crush Since : watched 'East of Eden' in 2005
Trivia : His favorite drink was coffee and his favorite ice cream flavors were coffee and raspberry

- Shah Rukh Khan -


no...seriously...I think he's gorgeous...there...u can laugh ur head off....I don't care.. XP

Full Name : Shahrukh Khan
D.O.B : 2 November 1965
Born : New Delhi, India
Descent : Indian
Crush Since : from Dilwale & Dil To Pagal Hai
Trivia : was not very good at Hindi in school, until his mother promised to take him to the cinema if he passed. As he loved films, he got top marks from then on

there...what do u think? hehe...yes...there are so many more handsome men out there...but this is MY list...n I think they are simply gorgeous...perfect in their own way

now...plz excuse me while I sip a cup of nescafe n drool over more pics of these gorgeous men...lalala...~

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Entry AE-Blom-Siap-Tapi-Sebok-Wat-Mende-Lain

Jumaat [16 Januari 2009]

dgn semangat berkobar2, aku, sya & diana gi Malaysia Career & Training Fair kt Mid Valley Exhibition Centre...bwk resume sket punye byk...last2 kitorang gi kt Post Graduate Education Fair je...hampir sume booth kitorang singgah, kecuali both2 u kt taiwan (no offence)...n hampir sume borang kitorang isi...siap yg u oversea pn kitorang isi skali...pastu bile die bitaw min qualification, mmg aa tegelak kuat2 dlm ati...hehe...bantai saje

dh abeh round, kitorang sepakat malas nk gi kt career nye section...huhu...konon mase tu smangat nk sambung masters berkobar2 aa...(sambil nyanyi lagu vince - berkobar2)...kua je tros rase aa...ckp x benti2...memule ingat nk minum kt food court ramai yg amat & kaki dh kitorang pn turun floor bwh skali...pusing2 cari restoren yg sedap & x payah boikot...hehe...last2 sangkut kt Beard Papa'! pastry kt situ sgt maveles!! (aku mmg fanatic pastry)...kitorang tige2 order Fondant Au Chocolate...seriesli weh...sape yg blom penah rase, baik korang try!

light & fluffy chocolate cake with super creamy oozing chocolate filling

time kaseh cik diana (biru) kerane membelanje kami! lenkali banje la lg ye...hehe

being a pastry fanatic, aku beli (bungkus bwk blk ) die nye cream puffs - both vanilla & chocolate, chocolate eclair & lagi 1 tu lupe name mmg sume sgt sedap! so pasni sape2 nk banje Beard Papa's, aku KONFEM setuju...muahaha

so...hasil drp gi post graduate fair & lepak di Beard Papa's? mase depan ku masih kelam....huahua....adeih...nk keje? nk blaja? keje kt mane? blaja kt mane? keje ape? blaja ape? *pitam*

Sabtu [17 Januari 2009]

ikot ummi, A.Man & C.Ning gi majlis kawen kenalan family kt Dewan Risda Ampang...ok aa gak...kitorang dok semeja ngan 1 family ni...parents & 3 children (25-15 years old)...aku sgt suke tgk mak die sbb die seiras cam Lily Bass / van der Woodsen dlm Gossip Girl

gaye die ckp...gaye die senyum...gaye die layan anak2 die...walopon die dh berusia (aku agak awal 50-an), tp die sgt cantik menarik...(jgn tambah kau mmg da bomb!)

hehe...tu je nk cite...aku sgt teruja bile jumpe org cam Lily tu (sbb aku suke die dlm Gossip Girl)...ahakss

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Is There Somebody?

This time I wonder what it feels like
to find the one in this life
The one we all dream of
but dreams just aren't enough
So I'll be waiting for the real thing
I'll know it by the feeling
The moment when we're meeting
will play out like a scene straight off the silver screen
So I'll be holdin' my own breath
Right up to the end
Until that moment when
I find the one that I'll spend forever with

coz nobody wants to be the last one there
coz everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me like that

coz nobody wants to do it on their own
and everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there

Tonight, out on the street out in the moonlight
and dammit this feels too right
It's just like Déjà Vu
Me standin' here with you
So I'll be holdin my own breath
Could this be the end?
Is it that moment when
I find the one that I'll spend forever with?

coz nobody wants to be the last one there
coz everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me like that

coz nobody wants to do it on their own
and everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there

You can't give up
Lookin' for that diamond in the rough
You never know but when it shows up
Make sure you're holdin' on
coz it could be the one
The one you're waiting on

coz nobody wants to be the last one there
and everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There has gotta be somebody for me

Nobody wants to do it on their own
and everyone wants to know they're not alone
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There's gotta be somebody for me out there

Nobody wants to be the last one there
coz everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There has gotta be somebody for me out there.

- Nickelback -

Sunday, 31 August 2008

xoxo, Gossip Girl

and who am I?
That's one secret I'll never tell
You know you love me
Gossip Girl

aku dh addicted ngan ayat di atas...sape sini fan Gossip Girl gak, angkat tangan! hehe...cite ni mmg awesome gile! oleh itu, aku nk dedicate 1 post utk cite ni ok

*spoiler alert*
sape yg tanak taw ending cite ni, sorry la ye...x leh aa troskn bace entry ni =)

cite ni psl life anak2 org telampau kaye kt manhattan (upper eastsiders) n beberape anak org yg x bape kaye di brooklyn...dorang sume skola kt skola yg same, sbb tu aa dorang knal satu same dorang dh cam celebrity sbb sume pergerakan dorang diperhatikn n akan direport kpd unknown character yg menggelarkn diri die - 'Gossip Girl'...tade sape knal die, n die x penah kuar dlm cite tu...penonton pn leh denga sore die je

Gossip Girl ni ade blog khas utk melaporkn psl anak2 org kaye sesape ade berite psl dorang, boley tros report kt die...pastu die akan straight away sms berite tu kt sume bdk2 mmg susah nk simpan rahsie pape

watak2 utama cite ni -

Serena Van Der Woodsen - The 'It' Girl

gurl yg plg famous dlm kelompok upper eastsiders ni...initially, die ni wild girl...sgt2 wild smpai mak die pn suddenly die berubah n jd a nice gurl (kene aa tgk sendiri kalo nk taw nape die berubah ek)...die syg sgt kt Dan tp hubungan dorang putus by the end of the 1st season...*sedey* aku die xde aa lawa gile tp die menarik

Dan Humphrey - The Lonely Boy

ni la salah sorang bdk yg x kaye dr brooklyn tu...2 taon die memendam rase minat kt Serena...impian die tercapai bile die ngan Serena jd couple *sweet gile* hubungan diorang x smpai setaon pn...huhu...kadang2 aku nampak die ni cam Jimmy Shanley pengacare Trek Selebriti tu...hehe...aku mmg minat mamat tu...n aku juge minat ngan mamat ni...ahakS

Blair Waldorf - The Drama Queen

sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt cute!! hehe...*aku mmg suke sgt tgk muke die*...beshfren Serena tp perangai die sgt lain dr Serena...die menggelarkn diri die sendiri - crazy bitch...hehe...mmg die sgt bitchy...awal cite agak menyampah kt jd bese sbb dh mmg set dlm pale yg perangai die camtu =) dr kecik couple ngan Nate, tp tgh2 cite hubungan die ngan Nate putus...then die wat affair ngan x kekal pn...due2 same ego

Nate Archibald - The Golden Boy

Ex-boyfren Blair...bile dh putus, tetibe die couple ngan Vanessa (beshfren Dan) by the end of season 1, die putus gak ngan Vanessa...penah ade ati ngan Serena while still couple ngan Blair...*penah wat affair pn skali*...die ni ensem gak! hehe

Chuck Bass - The Playboy

beshfren Nate...die mmg sgt playboy...x hensem pn, tp ayah die tersangat la kayenye...skali je die penah fall in lurve - ngan Blair...tu pn sgt ego n tanak berubah jd setia pd yg dorang x jd couple gak...memule aku abeh menyampah ngan die bile tgk dienye smangat setia kwn, aku sgt kagum! die sgt sweet bile bab persahabatan

Jenny Humphrey - The Wannabe

urghh...die ni aa yg aku plg menyampah...adek Dan, tp perangai mmg sgt lain dr abg die...wannabe tahap naga...overly ambitious nk join anak2 org kaye tu smpai sanggup mencuri, wat mende2 bodo n kuang aja ngan ayah n abg die....series aku menyampah kt die...harap2 season 2 nanti die x penting sgt...hehe

ok...yg lain tu korang tgk aa sendiri ek...*dh malas nk tulih panjang2*...hehe....2 lg watak yg aku suke adelah -

  • Rufus Humphrey - ayah Dan & Jenny yg sgt hensem
  • Lily Van Der Woodsen - mak Serena

lg 1...baju, handbags & shoes dlm cite tu sume sgt cantek! \(^,~)/

oh....x sabanye nk tunggu 2nd season - 1hb september sbb kene blk klang, kene aa tunggu jumaat br boley dl...wuwu...~

*suke gile gamba ni! dorang 4 org mmg sgt sesuai jd beshfren*

akhir kate - Gossip Girl Rox!!

Thursday, 9 August 2007

U.S / America's Next Top Model (smbil jeling kt eha..haha)

- Renee Alway -

- Jaslene -

warghh...sungguh x puas ati! br abeh tgk U.S Next Top Model Cycle 8 n aku x puas ati Renee x menang!! dh aa gamba2 die sume maveles...commercial die pn plg besh...tiap2 minggu judges kate renee bagos n tetibe je bg alasan - "die nampak agak tua" bile nk kua kn die...oh pleasee..~ kalo nampak tua, nape x reject dr awal? huh...(emotional plak)...haha

tp tensen aa sbb aku mmg suke Renee dr awal walopon awal2 tu perangai die agak bitchy...aku x suke sgt si Jaslene tu sbb:
  • gaye die ckp
  • die teramat kurus
  • muke die pn tade aa lawa mane (tp die fotogenik aa gak)
  • die x leh terime kritikan

tp...ape leh wat...bkn aku nye show kn...hehe...aku memule sgt suke season ni nye sbb aku puas ati ngan die nye elimination...slalu ikot jangkaan n pilihan ati aku..hehe....skali dh top 3, Renee plak kene aku tgk last episode ngan x bape semangat...sungguh x besh!

kegeraman aku ni same la bile Joanie x menang mase cycle 6...sbb aku rase danielle yg menang tu x lawa! huhu

- Joanie -

- Danielle -


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