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Showing posts with label earthquake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earthquake. Show all posts

[My Story] Earthquake! now in Malaysia again?

Gempa 7.9 magnitud di Sumatera turut dirasai di Semenanjung

KUALA LUMPUR: Gempa bumi kuat berukuran 7.9 magnitud yang melanda selatan Sumatera pada jam 6.20 petang tadi turut dirasai hampir seluruh pantai barat Semenanjung.

Menurut laporan Agensi Penyelidikan Geologikal Amerika Syarikat (USGS), gempa yang berlaku jam 5.16 petang (waktu Jakarta) di selatan Sumatera membabitkan Kuala Lumpur dengan jarak 480 kilometer dari pusat gempa; Padang, Pekanbaru dan Sibolga.

Source: Berita Harian

Emm... I can feel it too. It's surely hard for those who live in flat & run to nowhere looking for a safer location. Actually At that time, I'm just arriving my rental house & Bandar Tasik Selatan, when suddenly my housemate asking whether i feel a shock like an earthquake. Then he showed to the ceiling fan, then I realize! Yup, it is not stable with some vibration. Some of my neighborhoods already waiting in outside the balcony clueless...gathering an answer...for an unknown reason...

Base in our basic engineering consideration, yes a little vibration would probably couldn't affect this tall piled flat to be collapse. But anything can happen, although our living is not near to valley or fill. Believe me there is nothing can stop God will. Beware Malaysia, we are no more safe form earthquake, some seismic study have to be implement in construction now!

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