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Posts mit dem Label bausch und Lomb werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Freitag, 2. April 2010

Ray Ban Outdoorsman Black Leather Edition, B&L Bausch und Lomb, Made in USA, 80's

Im not a big fan of ray ban, i know its a classic and all of that but the fever only got me for the Leather Edition of all does nice Ray Bans. Perfect, what more can i say!!!???

Sonntag, 15. November 2009

Ray Ban Shooter Leather Edition, B&L Bausch und Lomb, Made in USA, 80's

Im not a big fan of RAY-BAN (even if i know its a classic brand), but these leather shooters kick ass...They are Huge and they have phototropic lenses wich turn in really dark color when you have enough sun!!!