Showing posts with label goldfish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goldfish. Show all posts

Friday, 6 January 2012

End of the week news

Good evening all!  Its Friday hooray!!!  I can have a bit of a lie in tomorrow, not much but better than getting up in the dark!  Been a good week, have bought some new stash :D  Got some birthday pennies so got the classical instruments stamp sheet from The Stampman as its the only one of the collection I dont have and Ive always oohed and ahhhed over the samples I've seen and want to catch up on some birthday cards as I was really lax last year so making more of an effort this year!  BTW if you sent me a card recently I'll be mailling you personally in the next day or two.
I'm also waiting on some new Tildas, havent had any for ages so thought I'd go for them, waiting for Sir Stampalot to re-open after xmas so should come next week sometime.

Also got Queen Annes lace squares as I'm thinking alcohol inks :)  Got the flowers at the back from a LCS (Caroles craft) loved the look of the spirals, they would be easy to make with wire, tape and glamour dust.

Onto my shout out for tutorials - Yes Sheila we can do Teddy Bo's lol!  I have a few of them I havent used yet either *blush*

For jeans and grounding I'm going to use an image by Di's digi downloads called Izzy because she's cute. wears jeans, has a little dog, I can ground her and we'll cover red hair, I'd like to cover blonde through to black too over next couple of weeks.  She's only $2 (approx £1.29) so if you did want her to practice on she's easily available and wont break the bank though you can use any image you like.  We'll start these on Monday.

Well going to skidaddle, got to clean the fish tank again tomorrow uuurgh, if you ever think of getting a goldfish dont bother lol!  We won one at a fair and got it friends and they've cost a fortune getting bigger tanks and they constantly need cleaning as they produce a lot of waste so the nitrogen levels get high quick and the filter sponges and carbons don't last long.  Just had to move my 2 red capped orandas into their own tank in Staci's room as the original goldfish is nipping them and bullying them so they needed separating as orandas are very gentle.  Staci wanted red and black gravel so their tank looks quite funky now!  Next week will be a LED bubble curtain as it needs more lighting and the orandas love bubbles, see what I mean kerching!!

Oh before I go just interested if any of my followers are in the international mixed media postcard swap on Musings on realities?  I think there's over 100 playing so this could be interesting!  Dont panic you only make 10 lol but check it out!

Wednesday, 14 July 2010


I've never entered WOYWW before lol! I think only Jill and Sarah have had the pleasure of seeing my desk which in fact is my cooker hob. I do have a desk and a craft room but they're not currently practical as

1. I cant hear the kids at night if I'm in there

2. If the kids go in it (If I'm doing anything in there) then they quickly destroy everything

3. I can't see what they're up to if I've amused them with something and want a quick daytime dabble

4. Its cold

My youngest Molly is unbelievably naughty, she does it in such a cute way she's forgiven quickly though! Yesterday I thought I'd spend some time editting the pics from 90 cards for my nan so nipped online to do that. I'm rarely on laptop in the day as she goes mad, jumps on me, pulls the keys off my keyboard or does something really naughty whilst my back is turned and yesterday was no exception. Whilst I spent half an hour editting the pictures she got into the bathroom (which I always leave closed but obviously somebody forgot!) helped herself to some fairy liquid and decided she'd clean the stairs with a quarter of a bottle! Do you know how much foam a quarter bottle of fairy makes!!! My vax was foaming at the mouth aaaaargh!!!

And to top it all she rubbed her eyes so I had to wash it out of her eyes too and she was NOT impressed with that!

I digress lol! Yes my desk today...

Bit of a mix bag today as I didnt tidy away from last night (naughty!) so have aspects of design starburst fairies set, brayers, peel off corners from yesterdays, the gesso and the large letter M which I'm doing for The Stampman, my entire collection of blue promarkers as I was in a blue mood but not sure which shade so I got them all out to see which ones I'm drawn to, some 3d gloss which I used on the eyes and wings of the dragon (Lisa Victoria stamp) my glamour dust which is now no more after Molly got hold of it this afternoon and decorated the duvet with it, pearl glimmer mist and my blackberry :)

I also got some new additions at home! I won the goldfish (Nuzzle) at the front at a fair a couple of weeks ago and promptly went to a local aquatic specialist nearby and asked what he needed for him and a friend. Came home with 2 bowls and 3 more fish, 2 are shubunkins aka poor mans Koi. Anyway after much reading I discovered a bowl isnt suitable for one let alone 2 goldfish which is what I was advised so ended up upgrading them to a tank. As the tank has lights I spotted the goldfish (Scratch) I bought from the aquatic centre had white spot so went out and got treatment for it but it didnt make it :( So now we just have Nuzzle & no scratch and Ethan called the shubs Hide & Seek as they were very shy when we first got them. Nuzzle is showing signs of it too, yesterday he had some faint white spots on his tail and is showing signs of stress with the lowered fins but they're all being treated with malachite green and aquarium salt. I hope he makes it as I'd be gutted to lose my fairground fish! He seems much happier this evening thankfully :)

I can spend ages watchng them, very relaxing and they're all very nosy!