Showing posts with label CHTT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CHTT. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2008

WTI Boosts Portfolio A1

After a challenging start to the new year that resulted in a major reshuffling of the portfolio, it looks as if Portfolio A1 is now back on track with an interesting cross-section of holdings. Part of the credit for the performance turnaround should go to W&T Offshore (WTI), the oil and gas exploration and production company that gained 9.2% in the first week it was in the portfolio. A five stock portfolio is always a crap shoot of sorts, but given the current market environment and opportunities it presents, I am pleased with the current makeup of the portfolio.

After 51 weeks (since the February 16, 2007 inception), Portfolio A1 sports a cumulative performance of +4.8% vs. a -8.5% performance in the benchmark S&P 500 index over the same period.

Gone after just one week in the portfolio is Chattem (CHTT), which is being replaced by Invitrogen (IVGN), a lab testing and diagnostic company that just last week reported solid earnings and resolved some patent disputes. For those looking for more information on IVGN, a good place to start is with the conference call transcript from the February 5, 2008 conference call.

There no additional changes to the portfolio this week.

A snapshot of Portfolio A1 is as follows:

Monday, February 4, 2008

PBG Dampens Relief Rally at Portfolio A1

Last week provided a relief rally for most equities, but Portfolio A1 was barely able to eke out a gain, largely due to a poor earnings report from Pepsi Bottling Group (PBG). Tuesday’s report of flat case growth, increasing costs and guidance well below analysts’ expectations led to widespread dumping of the shares. Despite a rally in the markets, the bottler lost 9.1% for the full week.

In spite of PBG’s woes, Portfolio A1 is still up 6.8% for the 50 weeks since inception, as compared to a 4.1% loss in the SPX over the same period.

Not surprisingly, PBG has been dropped from the portfolio, along with LG Philips LCD Co. (LPL), a pick I was scratching my head about two weeks ago.

An interesting new addition to the portfolio is Chattem (CHTT), a consumer products company whose brands include many products advertised on late night TV (Dexatrim, Garlique, Gold Bond, Selsun Blue, pHisoderm, Kaopectate, etc.) The brands may not be sexy, but the stock has been on a tear. Back in 2000 the stock traded as low as 2.37; Friday it closed at 79.73. The other new addition is W&T Offshore (WTI), a Houston-based oil and gas exploration and production company, with geographical focus on the Gulf of Mexico.

There are no other changes to the portfolio this week.

A snapshot of Portfolio A1 is as follows:

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