Showing posts with label Baalbec. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baalbec. Show all posts



Its origin dates back to the legends of Baal, “the controller of human destiny”. This ancient Phoenician city is located in the Lebanese Bekaa valley. It was conquered by the Romans during Emperor Augustus’ government. The acropolis keeps vestiges of Roman temples built from the time of Antoninus Pius (138-161) till the time of Antoninus Caracalla (211-217).

A sua origem remonta às lendas de Baal, 'o controlador do destino humano'. Esta antiga cidade Fenícia localiza-se no vale Libanês de Bekaa. Foi conquistada pelos Romanos no tempo do Imperador Augusto. A acrópole conserva vestígios romanos dos templos construídos da época de Antonino Pio (138-161) à de Antonino Caracala (211-217).

Layout of the Baalbec

David Roberts (1796-1864)-'the gateway of the Great Temple of Baalbec'-oil on panel-1841 Private collection

David Roberts (1796-1864)-'ruins of the Temple of Bacchus' Liverpool-Walker Art Gallery

David Roberts (1796-1864)-'ruins of small Temple of Baalbec'-oil on canvas Private collection

David Roberts (1796-1864)-'ruins of the Temple of Sun at Baalbec'-oil on canvas-1861 London-Royal Academy