Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Traffic Named Cancer but where is the Doctor!




“The way humans hunt for parking and the way animals hunt for food are not as different as you might think.”

― Tom Vanderbilt

“Traffic congestion is caused by vehicles, not by people in themselves.” ― Jane Jacobs

While no need to introduce Jane to our readers (one of the greatest urban planning book writers), Tom T Vanderbilt is an American journalist, blogger, and author of the best-selling book, Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do. Though I have decided not to write about Pune’s traffic yet because of a column in a newspaper made me do so as it said, doesn’t anybody think about doing something right for Pune traffic!  My first answer was, that’s the only problem, as in Pune there are many who can actually think, & many more who think they can think, but very few who act, that’s the main problem for Pune traffic! And then three news made headline on consecutive three days, all related to traffic (in some way), one was a senior minister made statement in press release (though in Mumbai) that govt is thinking of trying Air Taxis (pd cars) as solution of traffic congestion in cities like Pune & Thane. Second news was Hon CM, announced a project of making tunnels joining kharadi to katraj (South East suburbs of Pune) of Rs 4000 crores, saying it will make life of millions of vehicle owners easy by saving their travel time (the later part is important) & latest was High Court dismissed a public petition of making a road connecting Pashan to Kothrud (western suburbs of Pune) which was (is) supposed to cut a biodiversity rich hill in Pune. I thought it’s too much, at least I must write for myself as that much I owe to this city. One thing, I am a civil engg with background or environment & planning but I am not an urban planner, though there is no such thing you can teach as urban planning by reading some books & this statement I am making with due respect to all big names in urban planning! What you need is, some common sense, understanding of people’s needs (todays & future too) & a balanced approach towards life! I have that a bit because for decades I have been working as a civil engg, living in this city, have seen few other cities & am a wild lifer to retain my connection with nature!

Ok, first about traffic, then I am not needed to be Aristotle to tell that traffic is caused by vehicles & vehicles are the outcome of our poor urban planning & weak public transport infrastructure. As why in the first place we need to use private vehicles, if we start looking (read as planning) at the problem of traffic from this angle then half of the battle is won! And then comes our attitude towards life which we call life-style, as all over the world, public transport of a city may be the best yet no Metro of Bus can come to everybody’s door-step & you have to walk a bit to use public transport which Punekars are not ready to accept, is another cause of traffic jams. Ask any Punekar, how much he or she walks everyday to reach the workplace, then most of them walk from the parking lot to their respective visiting place, may it be office or home, so private vehicles are now as inseparable part of our life as our cell phones! And with too many cell phones in use at the same location even the signal gets jammed & we are talking about vehicles, what else you can expect but traffic jams!  So first & foremost Punekar’s start walking a bit & plan your work schedule in better manner is what as a citizen we can do if we don’t want traffic congestions! I know, this may not go in good spirit with most readers as that’s the problem, we want solutions where we won’t have to do anything special or face slightest of discomfort may it be water conservation, tress conservation or traffic jams, it's always somebody else (govt usually) has to solve the problem for us, which wont work, is what I will tell! As govt & so-called public-bodies which collect taxes are definitely responsible but, on that front, also as citizens, what are we doing, is I want to ask Pune’s citizens! Have once we jointly ever gone to some public body or our elected member as a procession/ march for our traffic issues, the answer is, No! And for that first we as citizens must start respecting basic traffic rules as right from not wearing a helmet for our own safety to jumping red signal, driving in wrong lane we end up breaking practically every law of traffic & yet we expect govt to streamline our traffic, great!

Now coming to the govt (Urban Development, PMC, PCMC, PMRDA, PMPML, Police etc) aspect of traffic problem, the most important aspect is, coordination between all these depts of govt & taking responsibility for solving traffic chaos! For e.g., traffic police are at signals but signal controls are with PMC. Traffic police can fine vehicles parked illegally on roads but vehicles of footpaths they won’t act up on! As well CC Tv are there on many signals but maintenance of these TVs’ nobody owns! At the same time when its about road making then the road dept can only make roads but land acquisition for these roads or bridges comes under different dept & giving TDR of land under road again goes with another dept at PMC (or any public body). If any road is built then next day digging is started by drainage, water or MSEDCL dig that road for their purpose, thus list of such chaos is endless & eventually all these contributes to chocking of carriage ways of the road resulting in traffic jams! High time to define one single entity which will be responsible for traffic management & that only will be looking after every traffic issue. Rather high time considering the chaos (read as importance) we are experiencing on traffic front of most of the Metro cities, a new dept itself must be there which will have representation from all depts & experts too which directly can deal with the traffic issues with authority & see that traffic remains smooth.

Obviously any such type of idea takes decades in this country to become a reality, till then make someone from the existing system controller to handle the present scenario, it may be PMC, Collector, but not traffic police for sure as they can’t be loaded with this burden! As all over the world, traffic police’s job is not to control traffic or manage traffic but just punish the people who are breaking traffic laws, except in our country, where traffic police are supposed to handle everything related to traffic with no powers to act on it! I myself have witnessed a traffic police sub-inspector getting scowled by none other than our guardian-minister (don’t ask who & when) as he was shouting at drivers of wrongly parked vehicles which unfortunately happened to be Karyakartas(supporters) of the said minister! So, what you can expect from police at such times as right from processions blocking roads to illegal parking to not allowing pay & park systems on roads, traffic police are helpless! At the same time, seriously, high time not to allow a single vehicle (except cycle) to park on any road without being charged for the parking, or else we won’t be ever getting rid of the traffic congestion issue! As the govt which keeps on increasing taxes in every budget on Cigarettes, Tobacco products & Alcohol(legal sell off course) because they are supposedly hazardous to health of the citizen the why the very govt is not keen on charging for parking on public places (roads) as increasing number of vehicles of all sorts are like growing cancer cells for the city roads & the way overgrown cell kills the human body, same way these vehicle named cells are slowly killing city roads & entire environment & the traffic jams are just one sign of this cancer. Slow speed of vehicles is not just loss of time & fuel but it creates more carbon monoxide making our lungs weak & all these vehicles need physical space so the trees has to give away to accommodate driving & parking space for the vehicles so less oxygen, in nutshell slow poisoning for the citizens & we all are responsible for this cancer of traffic!

Public transport strengthening is another way which again always takes a backseat on the agenda of any govt as one Metro won’t be solving all problems of traffic.

And last but least, is our increasing human population because Dubai & Singapore like cities also have the best public transport but concentration of population makes their roads also crowded with vehicles, yet with two-fold therapy of charging for parking & increasing public transport infra these countries are keeping vehicle cancer at bay!  Finally, our urban policies, which are focused only on TDR & FSI consumption, making the city centres or some regions grow more densely populated & add on parking for these developments while the roads are of same width, which only going to make the city roads die faster! We may build more tunnels, flyovers, missing links of roads, use river for transport (one more joke) & even air-taxis but unless & until we don’t plan to reduce private vehicles’ use, they won’t stop growing, so the urban planning must be focused on humans & trees than cars; then only there is some hope or else the future of our city is smoky for sure, adios with this statutory warning!


Sanjay Deshpande

Sanjeevani Dev.

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