Hello all! Do you remember me? I didn't mean to take such a break. I got caught up in all the birthday madness last week on top of painting furniture. You probably think I am back to share photos of the Big 3 birthday party... all in good time. Truthfully, I haven't had a chance to look at them yet, but I promise I will post them this week. Today, I have something non- birthday related to share.
A long, long time ago, when I had cable, I was watching a show...most likely on the cooking network. It was about a bread company in San Francisco that made sourdough bread. The interesting thing was that they kept using a little bit of the original dough that they started with...this is a common practice amongst sourdough bread makers, but I had never heard of it. This little bit of yeast rich dough is called mother dough. So, each batch of bread has a little bit of that first loaf in it. Some may think "eeeewwww..." but I was quite inspired by it. I tucked it away in the recesses of my brain until one day I was getting ready to paint a piece of furniture and I didn't have enough of the grey I had wanted to use. hmmm.... what to do..... I decided to mix some "end cans" and create my very own custom color. Now, I know that many people probably create their own custom colors as well. The next time I was out of paint and I went back to mixing some end cans, I decided to pull that same paint out and add to it, creating my very own mother dough.
Each time I try to paint a little swatch on the top of the lid, but sometimes I forget. Here are a few pieces that I have painted with my mother dough paint:
I am still mourning the sale of this one! This was my first mother dough piece.
This one too.... loved the simple, clean lines and the dainty legs.
You will notice a grey theme here... well, I have liked greys for some time and don't foresee me liking them any less in the future *wink*
This piece is the piece I finished last week and it is now at City Farmhouse.
It is also painted with mother dough... a medium grey custom paint, one of my favorites that that I have mixed. This is one of those pieces that I really, truly adore... it must be all those curves. Oh well! You can't keep them all (or you can and the nice folks from Hoarders will come visit you... not that I have seen it... I don't have cable, remember?)
I hope to expand my mother dough pallet in the future to include more colors..... maybe some blues and other neutrals besides grey. Okay, I have to get busy cleaning the remaining birthday remnants... loads of glue dots to clean off the trim!
bye for now!