Showing posts with label CampNano. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CampNano. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Write on Con? Write Club? + Camp Nano Fail!

There is so much awesome going on at the moment!

So first things first: who is going to be joining in the fun of WriteOnCon? It looks a great way of maybe getting the attention of agents, and also meeting other great writers. I am already going wow at the talent there is out there!

Is this just US based, does anyone know? I can’t see many of the faculty/agents as being UK based, though I suppose that doesn’t stop a UK person joining in, of course, but.. I wondered. 

I may use this as the opportunity to stalk some people’s awesome work and offer some beta reads, LOL. Also I have two ideas in WIP which I’m struggling with so I might put the first 250 words of each up and see what feedback I get, I see people putting WIPs up so I hope that's okay too?

Secondly, who is following the awesome WRITE CLUB at DL Hammons blog? Again am amazed at the variety and talent out there. I also LOVE just looking at the writing and thinking how I like it, without any... thought about who has written it. It’s neat! Love it!

Third: I think I have failed Camp Nano already. I just had a busy time going to the Olympics (and being twenty feet from Usain Bolt, OMG!) and work is busy so I am leaving late and... I am chugging away at the writing, but that combined with the fact my all planned out WIP is not playing ball means I likely will fail.

Still my aim in doing it was to end up with an idea I could work on, and I think I am starting to see my way clear (not with my WIP, a different idea, LOL) so if I achieve that much and not the word count, I won’t mind too much.

LASTLY Please enter my giveaway. I am giving away awesome books y’know: GO HERE

Monday, 30 July 2012

#writemotivation update and Camp Nano? Anyone?

Writemotivation Update!

I set myself these goals at the start of the month:

1) Finish line edit of my novel - DONE
2) Continue to post twice a week in blog - DONE
3) Rough outline a new idea - DONE... kinda?

Yay! I do have to read over the line edits to make sure they make sense so there’s a caveat there I guess, but I’m calling them done!

The new idea outline... isn’t quite working but I did DO one. Does that count? I am not sure it does but hey...! I must say I have found setting goals really helps as does the awesome encouragement which goes on on #writemotivation on twitter. Thanks everyone.

As for August: I am going to join in Camp Nano! So my only goal for August is to complete the necessary words. I am not even going to set myself the goal they have to be on one piece. I am having trouble getting my next idea together, working, so I may have to write several openings to different pieces.

And maybe beg some poor souls to help me work out which of them works. Hope one of them does. ;)

But I am not putting any stress on myself other than to regularly write, try and make the word count, and hopefully by Autumn have a project to focus on further.

It may mean a slightly less regular blogging/commenting scheduling but am going to do my best to keep up!

Do join me in Camp Nano if you are doing it! Are you setting any goals for the summer? What's your next writing project?

PS Oh my forgot to say: 100 followers, a giveaway will follow, likely next week ;)