Showing posts with label haiku. Show all posts
Showing posts with label haiku. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Signs of Re-Birth and Renewal


Thrusting through Fall's leaves,
Green blades promise another
Spring--as the wheel turns.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Light Magic

Early morning light
Plays on the river birches
Glitters and dances.

Listen! You may hear
The high, crystalline tinkle
Of silvery bells.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Blue Mountain Island

Photo credit John Skemp
Blue Mountain island
Floats still . . . serene . . . unchanging
Beyond bare branches . . .

As glimpsed by pilgrims
Seeking the ineffable
Amid swirling clouds.

Photo by John Skemp

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Observed . . .

Fall poplars aflame;
Yellow torches in the mist,
Lighting Winter's way.

Matches flaring up
In the auditorium
Before the last act.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Joy of Rain on a Hot Day

The air so thick that
Every breath is a struggle
And then the clouds burst

And glorious rain 
Bespatters the goldfish pool,
Lures a sunflower

To lean out and bathe,
Refreshing its dusty face
In the cooling shower.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Toad Song

New snow — in the pond,
Warmed by yesterday’s false sun,
The toads are singing.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Eager for Spring blooms,
I bring quince branches inside --
Pale petals unfold.

Early daffodils
Are eager too -- don't they know
It's January?  
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Monday, October 31, 2011

All Hallows' Eve

Listen . . . do you hear
Wailing in the darkling wood?
Only wind, you say?
Fool! Hurry inside,
Bolt the door, and wait for morn.
This one night is theirs....

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Sunlit Moment . . .

Smiling in the sun . . .
Not one of us knows, no none,
How soon all's undone.

I came across this archival photo and was reminded of the utter fragility of life . . .
and of the necessity to seize the moment.

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Friday, September 23, 2011

The Autunal Equinox

Sun rise at center 
Of the eastern horizon. . .
Day and night balance . . . 

A fleeting moment
On the celestial scales . . .
The great wheel creaks on.

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hopeful Signs

In the morning sun.
A tongue of new green glowing,
Growing in the light.

Forsythia buds 
Swelling green in the window . . .
Clear blue sky outside.

I know, I know -- we've got lots of winter yet to go. But what a pleasure to see these early signs.   

And  in French from Miss Yves--

Bourgeons de forsythia
S'enflant, verts, à la fenêtre
Ciel bleu clair dehors.
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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Towards Solstice

Black willow reaches,
Longing  for the winter sun
And its cold pale fire.
Time and water freeze;
Stillness lies upon the land, 
Slow, the great wheel turns...

... and in French, courtesy Miss Yves ...

Noir, se tend le saule
Vers le soleil hivernal
Son feu froid et pâle.

Le temps et l'eau gèlent
Le calme s'étend sur terre
Lente, la roue tourne.
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Monday, August 16, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Green Tide

Green ... the word contains
Myriads and multitudes. . .
Spring's profligate coin.
Chartreuse, emerald,
Sea-green, grass-green, apple-green . . .
I am drunk with green!
Wrapped in blissful greens,
Nature stretches...preens -- I watch,
Rapt in endless greens.
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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

One Tanka, Two Haiku

I removed the second haiku/picture to correct the  spelling and now, drat it, can't make the updated picture post. So I reposted the entire blog -- but am unable to transfer the comments.
But here's the picture . . .  and I'll put the haiku below it.

Aerial assault --
Blur-winged bees descend upon
Fragrant pear blossoms.

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