Monday, September 17, 2007

the horns of a dilemma

So today the only reason I rolled out of bed for my run was the fact that #1 son is my running partner. The problem is that my stamina is improving, making me want to go further and faster, and he's not willing to make the effort. He cries, moans and whines throughout the evolution, which is a major bummer to say the least. Ultimately, my workout was curtailed, but there probably wouldn't have been a workout at all if he wasn't involved, as bed was mighty toasty at 5 am. I am truly starting to think that the only resolution is to go twice a day. Yippee ki Yay.
In Big fat loser news...another 1.2 pounds fell by the wayside...bringing me to 268.1. Not nearly enough to be in the money, but a positive step nonetheless. The person who won the week has lost 10% of her body weight in two weeks...KUDOS to Cheryl for that!
Mini-me had the best game of his young football career, saving a touchdown by running a back down from behind. he also nailed the qb on an option, causing an errant pitch that was recovered by a teammate, and he had one other tackle. They lost to Argenta 8-0 however, as the offense continually shot itself in the foot at inopportune times. This saturday concludes his season. Alas, there will be no extra free time for the fatboy family as soccer starts next week. Sigh.

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