Showing posts with label OGAM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OGAM. Show all posts

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Wargods Trojans

Half a unit of Trojan Peltasts for Wargods of Olympus or Of Gods and Mortals.

Really pleased with how the flesh has come out on these - it helps that the sculpts are amazing and the castings are really clean though!

Monday, 30 November 2015

Monday, 31 August 2015

Celtic Swordsmen (and Swordswomen!)

Some celts today for my Of Gods and Mortals celtic force. The figures themselves are from Brigade Games' Celtos line (who bought the line from I-Kore or Urban Mammoth - I forget which). They are lovely clean miniatures and very nicely cast. 

I had a bit of trouble painting the tartan on them - so three of them just have plain kilts and the other two are fairly basic. The shield designs aren't anything special, by the time I sorted out the tartan I just wanted them off the painting desk. 

These might also see some outings in a Song of Blades and Heroes as there seems to be a bit of interest down the club in trying the rules out (which is great news - I love the game!)

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Celtos Gael Chariot

Had this on the painting table for a few weeks. Its a lovely kit.

Friday, 27 March 2015

OGaM battle

Some pics from a couple of OGaM games at the East Leeds club using my Greeks and Vikings.

Highlights included Thor using his Lightning power to remove all the Greek legends, drunken Satyrs struggling to do anything with a Quality of 5 and Artemis being summoned back several times to then shoot Thor off the board for the win!