Showing posts with label Misc.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Misc.. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Berry Causing Foodies To Lose Their Sh...

Well, I am just beside myself after learning of a berry that is akin to, possibly, food crack. This gorgeous, bulbous, voluptuous berry could unleash more power than the discovery of calorie free frosting. Well, maybe not, but still. I have GOT to get my paws on this berry. If I go missing, you may well find me in some back alley, gnawing on my last Miracle Berry - selling my womanly wiles to obtain more. What is this berry, you ask?

It's some wacked out berry,
featured in this NY Times article, and found in West Africa (probably right next to the hoodia plant!) that makes anything taste CRAZY good - as in, it can make beer taste like chocolate, Tabasco sauce taste like doughnut glaze! Apparently, it changes the way our palate perceives flavors - and folks are now having Berry Parties to experience and relish this little berry's delights. So, basically - I could make brownies of, say, Spam - and they'd taste like an Alice Medrich masterpiece? How joyously insane is that? Am I the only one who is positively crazy-gaga, with the drool-of-a-thousand-sleepers, to try this?

I'm reeling with possibilities over here - I fear insomnia is going to set in again, with just this one discovery, as I contemplate what I could do with this berry: cookies made of beans, a tartlet made of hominy, a layer cake made of lima beans - OH the psychological warfare I could play with myself using my own food revulsions. Your own food nightmares would taste heavenly! MOMS, consider the vegetables you could get those darn kids to EAT and LOVE!

I just can't think of a better experiential gizmo for partying away your Friday night. Jello shots? Forget it. Gather your neighbors, pop some berries, eat some gross food - and glorify in all the weird and wonderful tastes. I MUST order some of these little buggers and, at a later date, share what unfolds. I feel like I just discovered bubbles or something.

*Thanks to someone from YT for the tip and to Wikipedia for the picture.