Showing posts with label Salad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Salad. Show all posts

Monday, December 13, 2010

Vegetarian Bell Pepper, Pineapple and Apple Salad

Although this homecooked dish is for our family meal at home, it is nice to decorate it once in a while. The flowers are made from pineapples and the stem from parsley. For some crunchiness, I added in an apple. In order to give this vegetarian salad an extra kick, I used a bell pepper that have been baked in an oven. You can use a blow torch to do this as well. The burned skin of bell pepper is very easy to be removed.
Main Ingredients
Bell Pepper, 1 pc, baked or barbecued
Apple, 1 pc, cut into cubes
Pineapple, cut vertically for the flower and cubes for the salad part
Parsley, for garnishing
Salad Dressing
Tomato Sauce, 5 table spoons
Cream or cheese, 1/2 cup
Pepper, to taste
Salt, to taste
Extra virgin olive oil
Cut all the ingredients for the salad and arrange in a plate as shown. Mix all the salad dressing ingredients well. Pour the dressing onto the salad and serve.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Romaine Lettuce and Bell Pepper with Cheese and Orange Juice Dressing – Vegetarian

I love the crunchiness of the bell peppers (capsicum) and Romaine lettuce salad. I decided to use orange juice as one of the ingredients for my salad dressing instead of the usual lemon juice.
Mozzarella cheese added a little body to my salad mix. I used minced garlic for this recipe, so if you don’t take garlic you can actually exclude it.

Romaine Lettuce, 3 bunches, washed and cleaned
Bell pepper (capsicum), 1 pc, cut into thick strips

For Salad Dressing
Extra virgin olive oil, 5 table spoons
Garlic, 1 pc, chopped finely (optional)
Mozzarella Cheese, 2”x2”x2” block, break into small pieces
Salt, a dash or to taste
Orange juice, ½ orange
Pepper, a dash

Mix all the salad vegetables with the dressing. Serve chilled or at room temperature. Great for roast chicken side dish!