Showing posts with label "best of". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "best of". Show all posts

Friday, 9 January 2009

#1 eat of 2008

Lisa recently blogged about her Top Eats of 2008. I'm not sure I can do a top five list, but I can certainly tell you my #1 eat of 2008 in ridiculous, gratuitous photographic detail, because I didn't the first time I mentioned it on here:

Second Wedding Banquet, at the Jade Palace, in Georgetown, Penang.

the pick pick
pick pick

The joy of a Chinese wedding is all in the eating.

tofu + vege soup
tofu and vege soup

It is a fast affair, everyone serving from the middle using their chopsticks, except in the instances of soup.

fried (not-)chicken
fried not-chicken

Every dish has a meaning: red chicken stands for good life; the soup, for wealth.

fishy fishy

Fish is for plenty.


Melon has something to do with taking the bitterness away or something, I can never remember.

fake prawn + scallops
mock prawn + scallops

We ate a full eight courses, every one of them strict vegetarian (or, as we call it in Australia, vegan).

mixed vegies
mixed vegies

At a seafood restaurant.


gratuitous link to wedding shenanigans in Australia here