Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Monday, August 4, 2008

me dying edi

Listening to: Dir en Grey - Ain't afraid to die
Mood: feeling very very lethargic, tired, sleepy, and emo.

Already in Penang for 2 1/2 weeks....was farking bored previously and found a pc fair job at House of previous working place because I need money to buy something. So I decided to work for the continuos 2 weekends, Friday Sat Sun from 10.30am to 9.30pm >.<>

Maybe because I was pampered too much after going bac to sunway...not so much of exercise...I was feeling very very tired after work at night, my whole body was aching after standing da whole day even though once a while i tao tao tei sit on the chair, both my thighs are the worse, u know dat feeling when ur leg has bruises and u press on it? dat feeling is exactly da same when i press on it, and felt pain whenever I bathe and applying shower cream on my body.

Last night after work, I decided to join my colleagues out for dinner/supper at Goodall oppo my high school. So I got really tired when reach home but yet feeling high. I took a bath and went to bed inmmediately..and sms-ing her. I've tried my very best to stay up but my mind was too tired, at first was fine and still slightly awake, but later on I kept dozing off each time waiting for her msges. Until da last few ones, I realised my phone battery dying as soon as I opened my eyes...and my charger was at da cupboard on top of me..and I wont be able to sms if da battery dies and plus my body and mind was about to shut down, so I told her what happened to my battery and me myself. Da wire wasnt long enough..takkan I have to stand up everytime to reply msg then lie down on da bed again @.@

The next morning..early in da morning, mom dragged me up at 8am, asking me to jaga dad's office coz he has to go Alor Setar for business and she needs to attend line dancing class, and the office staff on leave today cos her husband met in an accident few days ago. and my Bro already tulan me coz I did things slowly(too tired) zzzzzz....... he has to go to school >.<>

Actually I am now at the office, fishing and checking the time every now and then like an idiot, praying dat mom would come back earlier, I want to go back home and sleep T.T
Worst part: I dozed off at da comp while chatting with a friend sweat. Luckily no delivery service man came by after DHL.
Another one: Mom made me 7 pieces of sandwich and 2 bananas, I ate one banana and 2 pieces of sandwich only coz too tired tak larat to chew also.

So I think the only way to stay awake now is blogging =/

Hope I dun get into any accident when driving my maid back home later. =/