Showing posts with label barbie basic 3.0. Show all posts
Showing posts with label barbie basic 3.0. Show all posts

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Asian Buffet is Now Open

As you know Rod and Danielle are headed out to dinner with the family.  This was the perfect time to open the Asian Buffet restaurant.  It is still a work in progress.

The restaurant is very popular already after only a week of being open.

Here is the lobby.  Still needs some work.

Looks like they have a water leak in the lobby ceiling.  They will have to get that fixed.

Looking into the restaurant.

Now for a little story:
"How are you guys doing over here?" (Waitress)
"Just fine."  (Chris)
"Mommy, I need something to drink."  (Jolisa)
"After you eat some of your food, we will get you a drink."  (Kara)

Dad, half owner of Asian Buffet, is checking out the buffet.  
Note:  This buffet will feature all Chinese/Asian food when I get a chance to make it.  The buffet hood is a plastic cover that came on my take out sushi.  The rope may be changed to metal chains in the future.

"So when is Mr. McGraw arriving?"  (Kara)
"I have to pick him up from the airport in two days."  (Chris)

"So how many songs did you write for him?"  (Kara)
"I have about eight so far.  I am hoping to get at least two or three on the new album."  (Chris)

"Daddy are you going to see the planes?" (Jolisa)
"I'm just going to the airport.  I won't be there long."  (Chris)
"Can I go see the planes?"  (Jolisa)
"Not this time, honey.  But I will take you soon."  (Chris)

The Langford sisters are having dinner.  Jacquelyn, the oldest sister, is just back from vacationing in Egypt.
Note:  This is Jacquelyn, not to be confused with Jackie, who owns the bridal shop.   There are also two Dominique's.  This one was named first.  The other Dominique arrived with her name, and it was so perfect, I didn't change it.  As in real towns there are often people with the same/similar names.

"Okay Dad, I will be back tomorrow to do the books.  Everything has gone pretty smooth this week."  (Daughter)
"Okay.  We need to keep the advertising going strong."  (Dad)
"I know. I've also starting planning a family gathering here to celebrate the restaurant opening."  (Daughter) 

"So honey, I have gotten quite a few new sponsors for my upcoming charity event."  (Mrs. Anderson)
"That's great honey.  When is the event again?"  (Dr. Anderson, local dentist)
"I swear honey, I don't think you ever listen to me.  I have told you at least ten times when the event is."  (Mrs. Anderson)
"I'm sorry.  I just have a lot on my mind."  (Dr. Anderson)

"So what's going on with you and Kevin?"  (Jackie)
"We are doing much better.  Mom and Dad don't know this yet, but he has moved in with me and Courtney."  (Grace)
"So is there any talk about getting married, or are you guys still unsure of the relationship."  (Jackie)
"Believe it or not, he is the one talking about it.  I just need to be sure."  (Grace)

"Dillon, finish up, hon.  We need to scoot soon."  (Mrs. Anderson)
"I'm finished.  I'm stuffed."  (Dillon)

"How many?"  (Waitress)
"Just two."  (Cassandra)
"Right this way."  (Waitress)

"Well dinner is on me.  We have to get together again soon.  I missed you guys."  (Jackie)

"Thanks for dinner."  (Grace and Dominique)
"You know we need to have one of our old fashioned pajama parties.  Remember those?  They were so much fun."  (Dominique)
"I'm sure that can be arranged.  Give me time to recoup from my vacation."  (Jackie)

"Hello sir.  How many?"  (Waitress)
"We have six."  (Rod)
"Okay.  We have about a ten minute wait."  (Waitress)
"No problem."  (Rod)

This is setting us up for the next video with the new Taylor family and Nicole going home to Melanie.  Stay tuned!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Dinner is Ready!

I woke up in the middle of the night and I was starved.  Too late or too early to eat, so I decided to make the dolls some food.  I finally tackled the fried chicken I've been meaning to make.  Each meal comes with a piece of loose cornbread and a choice of a wing or a drumstick.  My plan is to create some loose pieces of fried chicken in the not too distant future.  Dinner is now available in my Etsy store.

Fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans...

and a nice piece of cornbread.

Do you prefer a wing or a drumstick?  I love both, but I like the wing a smidgen more.

Cassandra arrives home after a long first day at the daycare, where her friend has dinner ready.
"So how were the kiddies?" (friend)
"A handful to say the least.  I can't wait to get in the tub and soak.  I think I need to hire some more help. What about you?  Any luck scoping out a new place for The Pet Haven?"  (Cassandra)

"I decided I better find a Realtor to help. " (friend)
"If the pet thing doesn't work out, you can always open up a restaurant.  You are an awesome cook.  Thanks again for cooking for me." (Cassandra)
"No problem.  It's the least I can do since you are letting me bunk her for a little bit." (friend)

Barbie Basic 3.0 has been rebodied on an old So In Style Grace body.  I left her in the SIS outfit so you could see which doll it was.  The coloring is pretty close.  Of course, I am not fond of this body, so she will get an upgrade in the future.

This post is dedicated to Loretta, of At Home with Loretta.  She cooks quite a bit and usually posts her Sunday dinners.  Sorry no dessert this time around, Loretta,

Friday, March 16, 2012

After The Basketball Practice (Video)

I guess I should have warned you that I am moving at warp speed.  This is the second video in three days.  Sorry to bombard you with so many videos and photostories all at once.  (Hint. Hint.  There are a few photostories on the way.)   This is just a family oriented video.  After the photostory of David and his little basketball players, I wanted to have a video version for my YouTube fans.  

 I took a picture of this family a few weeks ago, but never shared it.  This is the town dentist that you met when Vanessa had to take Tyler in for a checkup.   Dillon, their son, used to be with another family that never got off the ground, so they were disbanded.  I think the husband has a couple of grown kids from a previous marriage.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Dolly Overload! More Purchases

 I have a list.  My readers know there is a list.  Being on the list means that the purchases are properly budgeted in. I am very good at sticking to the list.   I am also very good at not buying dolls that don't have a purpose in Morristown.  That is not to say that occassionally I do not buy things that I didn't know to put on the list, but that is rare.  Sometimes buying too many things on the list at one time can get overwhelming.  Such is the case with my purchases yesterday. 

This month was "Buy 3.0 Barbie Basic dolls month".  It was already planned.  As soon as I read Frannie's post that they were in the local stores, I went out to see what I could find.  Of the six dolls, I had five on the list to buy and both accessory packs.  At the two stores I went to, there were a limited number of dolls and both accessory packs were there. Neither store had the African American doll, which worked out perfectly for me because I needed to move some purchases to next month.  I desperately needed the Asian doll and the auburn haired doll.  The doll in the purple swimsuit was on my list, but she was iffy, until I saw her in person.  They also had the one in the pink bathing suit, but after seeing her in person, she fell off the list.  So now I only have the African American one left to buy and the two accessory packs.

This doll was a pleasant surprise. This picture doesn't do her justice.

I fell in love with this doll from the beginning and knew she would be coming to Morristown.  We all know I was a red head in my former life.  She has that 007 Bond girl feel to me.  Those Bond girls (Halle is one of them) are all stunning to me.

This is also a doll I knew would be joining the crew.  I look for older looking dolls when I am putting families together.

My Asian Only Heart sisters have patiently been waiting a couple months now for me to find them suitable parents.  They now at least have a mom....

...and a granddad, who arrived in the mail yesterday.  I am glad he was here waiting.  Talk about perfect timing.  I was on the hunt for a perfect Asian type older gentleman who would own a number of Asian restaurants that keep popping up in Morristown.  He is perfect for the role.

I'm not sure if she is his daughter or his daughter-in-law, but those are definitely his grandkids. So that now makes seven grandparents that live here.

If you saw my post from earlier this morning, you also know that I bought two So In Style dolls yesterday, which rang up at $11.99.

After I paired Ian with Raven, I felt this guy would make a nice date for Raven's friend, who also works at the salon. (Raven and her girlfriend are both college students).  He and Ian will become pals.  He will be rebodied on the extra articulated Darren body I have.

I bought a Stardoll gift card for my on-line obsession....

...and it came with all of these goodies. LOL!

I found these two Justin Bieber outfits on clearance for $5.  Those pants will come in handy for the teenagers that are forming.

This was NOT on the list, but if I knew it existed, it would have been on the list.  Isn't it adorable?  Did you guys know that I was a British fanatic?  I even went out and bought a coffee press so I could drink tea and coffee like the British.  Another one of those inexplicable things I don't try to explain.  Sort of like this whole dolly thing. 

So say it with me, "dolly overload".  Can you imagine if I didn't have a list? 
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