Showing posts with label animation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animation. Show all posts


Synapse Animation

Drowning in Spreadsheets? from Synapse on Vimeo.
So apart from it currently using a working soundtrack, this is the first advert animation I have done for Synapse Information This was over the period of about two months from a brief to the final appearance. I haven't posted any animation in a while, as I have been so busy creating Graphics for Synapse and others - I'll post some examples soon!


Madoka Magica fan-art

This time while I was digital painting, I was broadcasting most of it on Pictaro on my channel, here:

I've sped the recording up and you can watch it below! :D

Madoka Speed Paint from Vanessa Hill on Vimeo.

And here is the final piece:


Background - Forest

Background I've being working on for an upcoming animation, about a week of solid painting on photoshop. Hoping to have it pan in the background as the characters run across screen. It's about six times the normal length of an average screen!


Finished Commission

My commission is finished! YES! It took me three long, long weeks. I probably went over the hours three times over. Thanks to my wonderful friends (they know who they are) who helped my when I was in a bind over time. Speaking of which, I spent a whole night on this, and never even noticed the time go... (I love animating.)

It's probably the best bit of animation I've ever done, and the client is happy with it!

Here's the final one for you to enjoy...


So the commission is almost finished...

I'm already feeling slightly gutted at the fact that my commission will be finished shortly. I've had great fun working on it. However, I do need to start getting my own uni work done, so I guess it works out well in the end.

Following the last meeting we had, I've now been able to show my client a version that will appear closest to what the final product will look like. She liked it; all that's missing is the beginning scene (which I am now colouring in), music and end few credits and logos. There's a hold that needs placing in there somewhere too!

Take a look... I still can't think of a text that will fit the style of the leaves yet though... hmmm


25fps@staffsuni Sting

A collaborative project between me and my classmate Rebecca Mansfield. We we're given a selection of music to choose from, and this is what we came up with (72hrs)


Final animation for second uni year :)

So here's my final animation. It has a weird twitch near the end I still need to sort out though -_- Anyway it had to be 45 seconds long and be about a planet of my own design.



Dice Bounce

Some more first year stuff... this was one of the first things I did on maya!

Box Walker

Another bit of first year animation... amazing to see how much I've progressed since then!

More animation

Work from back in my first year... wow I'm really digging up some stuff!