May I first say I do not aim this at all my subscribers at all please do not take this post that way!! just those who love to do the wrong thing. It saddens me to even have to contemplate writing this post. I had a recent purchase of my instructions which needed some sorting out with a bungled up delivery. These things are very easily fixed if I am contacted quickly remembering when you purchase you should get an instant download to your email. Please remember I can see how many times you have downloaded your purchase! Now there are many reasons why things can go wrong knowing there are still human hands behind everything even the internet.
this dose not happen often though. Here is a list of the main problems I see....
*If you are paying by echeck this will take a week to clear.
*The email could be in your spam box.
*Your pay-pal email address is different to you regular email address.
*Your computer privacy setting need adjusting.
*People just are not sure how to download something.
*They downloaded it but are not sure where it went on their computer .
*and sometimes cyber space just swallows them up.
Please know I am always happy to help so you are satisfied with your purchase!!
so whats this got to do with stampin up! keep reading....
All my sales are though an online storage and
they send out your purchase by an instant email. If for some reason you don't receive it I don't know this until you contact me. A few people have waited weeks for there download never bothering to contact me and then take out a paypal case to sort it out. That ok .... actually that's good because when they do this paypal sends me an email (alerting me) and it is always the first time I hear of a missing purchase or problem so I can then easily fix it.
Now my issue is..... I sent this person as soon as I was alerted by pay pal multiple emails with their purchase plus a freebie for their bother and I'm not real sure whether they even opened any of them... for the mean time they sent me a message through paypal saying
"Never mind. I got the Australian Flower downland. I have the Swan from
someone in my Stampin up class, yesterday. So just let it go. I am.
Lesson learned for me." Ok so I could say that's great or hang on this person has only purchased one thing from me (the swan) as I can see this in my purchase history and its not an Australian Flower (which by the way was not the freebie I sent)...... anyone seeing the picture come together yet!I don't know whether this was from a teacher or student but the principle is the same.
I have never once had anyone including stampin up demonstrators purchase group rates from me for their classes. If you are at a stampin up class or any class for that matter and they charge you for my instructions..... basically they are stealing from me. Your class teacher or anyone for that matter should only be giving out a link to my blog for your own instruction purchases. I always knew this would be happening it was just a matter of time that someone would spill the beans in some way. I am very aware that once its out there on the net its pretty much out of my control. but it seems its just another disappointing connection with Stampin up ....please remember the respect of the designer. Thank you to those who have given out my link and done the right thing....Shame on those that do the wrong thing!
Blessings to you
and a last thought
Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor,
doing honest
work with his own hands, so that he may
have something to share with
anyone in need.
Ephesians 4:28