There are years of posts here. The search box works well, but please consider the age of the posts when you find them. The college admission process changes every year!
Welcome to the blog and thanks for reading!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Best of Youtube
Here you go...the Best of Youtube (for today, that is):
This does not show how crowded and chaotic the club fair can be.
I could get lost in UVa drum line and marching band videos...there are so many good ones!
I love music + engineering.
UVa Fencing: "It's kind of a unique club in that it attracts people who want to fight with swords." :)
The Ski & Snowboard Team: "This is my frat or my family."
A few more that don't allow me to embed right now:
The Barber Challenge (some nice photos)
The 2008 move-in slide show
They 2008 year in pictures
I wish those last two had captions because they show some interesting events and people (including our dear Jack Blackburn). I imagine the 2009 year in pictures will be out in a few weeks and I'll post a link to that when it's available.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
A reminder for admitted students
You have until 11:59 PM on Friday night to hit that "accept" button and pay your deposit. Remember that there will not be anyone here after 5 PM on Friday to answer questions if you have trouble with the SIS.
Monday, April 27, 2009
A reminder for waitlisted students
I imagine students who fall into that category aren't even reading this blog anymore, but maybe you can pass the word at school (this is mainly for Virginians, I guess): please be sure to accept or decline the waitlist spot.
Also remember that you can pull yourself off the waitlist at any time by hitting the "decline" button. So, if you accepted a spot a few weeks ago and your heart now belongs to another university, you can remove yourself from the list.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Days on The Lawn wrap up
Heads up, though: the end of the semester is coming, so some courses are going into presentation mode and might not have traditional lectures. Just be flexible if you sit in on some classes.
I want to take a second to share a cool exchange that happened at DOTL the other day. It was a very rainy day, so the morning session was moved into Old Cabell Hall. Old Cabell Hall is known for it's beautiful theater and a massive, eleven panel mural called "The Student's Progress", which was painted by Lincoln Perry. Anyone who spends more than a few minutes in the lobby finds themselves inspecting the mural and finding a new detail they never noticed before (like the dog over the staircase on the right side that looks like a certain canine you all know).
As our DOTL visitors went off to school-specific sessions, I chatted with a few student volunteers in the lobby about how the events were going. A man walked up to our group and asked one of the students if she wouldn't mind being painted. I had assumed he was the father of a visiting student, but he was actually Lincoln Perry, there to add to the mural.
Off the student went to scamper up the scaffolds so Lincoln Perry could add her to the famous mural. I can just picture this student returning to UVa many years from now and pointing to her 20 year old self, immortalized in the Old Cabell Hall mural.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Last admitted student chat tonight!
Monday, April 20, 2009
A tour of the Aquatic and Fitness Center
Aquatic and Fitness Center Tour, Part 1:
Aquatic and Fitness Center Tour, Part 2
Aquatic and Fitness Center Tour, Part 3
Aquatic and Fitness Center Tour, Part 4
Aquatic and Fitness Center Tour, Part 5
Friday, April 17, 2009
A picture perfect DOTL
We really have been so lucky to have nice weather and manageable, upbeat crowds for these events. On top of that, we have two back to back DMB shows this weekend, it's Garden Week in town, there's a marathon tomorrow, and the free Friday concert series, Fridays After Five, starts today. It's Spring in Charlottesville!
Admitted students and parents, please feel free to keep calling or posting to get your questions answered. May 1st is around the corner (The Corner...ha!) and we want to make sure you have all the information you need to make decisions.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
UVa sponsored debate on Affirmative Action tonight
The website to which I linked has information about the participates (Julian Bond and Lee Bollinger are included...should be interesting) and more information about the issue.
The debate series' Youtube, Facebook, or MySpace pages will surly have some interesting comments.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Admitted student chats coming up!
Chats will take place on...
Thursday, April 16th
Tuesday, April 21st
All chats are from 7 PM to 9 PM. If there are multiple rooms, try to spread yourselves out so one student isn't inundated with questions.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thursday, April 09, 2009
In case you didn't bookmark the SIS login page
1. Go to and click on "SIS" in the upper right corner.
2. Click on "Fall" almost anywhere on the page.
If you have already deposited, I hope you noticed the link for new students on the front of the SIS page.
Click on that header and you'll be taken to the Office of Orientation's site and a list of things to do next.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
CavDog revealed
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
30 second tour: School of Architecture
All 70+ pictures from our tour of the School of Architecture's new building
Some other blogs to read
The students writers created their blogs on their own and are not paid for their work. They are eager to answer your questions and chat with you!
Monday, April 06, 2009
Days on The Lawn 2009, vol. 1

The first DOTL went beautifully on Saturday. We had a picture perfect day, lots of great things happening on Grounds, interesting speakers, and a wonderful crowd of visitors. DOTL #2 is still in progress. The morning threat of a thunderstorm was just that and the sun was shining by 10 AM as students headed off to sit in on classes. Let's hope our luck with the weather continues!
Unfortunately, the possibility of that thunderstorm lead me to leave CavDog at home. He would have loved to meet all the people who asked about him.
Friday, April 03, 2009
Waitlist FAQs
The rest of this post covers what is on the Waitlist FAQ sheet for first-year students.
1. How does this work? When will I hear?
If fewer than 3,240 students accept offers of admission, we will offer admission to some students who have placed themselves on the waitlist. The waitlist is not ranked. After May 1st, we'll get an idea of where there is room in the class. In a way, you could think of the waitlist as having eight parts - Virginians and out-of-state students for each of the four colleges. When we go to the waitlist, we might know we have room for in-state engineers or out-of-state Arts & Sciences students, for example. We work in teams to reread files of waitlisted students that fit the criteria needed. It takes about two weeks for us to review waitlist files. We aim to notify you between the third week in May and the end of June. If you are offered admission, you will have some time to think about the offer.
2. How many will get in?
We don't know how many students will come off the waitlist this year. We won't know until the beginning of May. There is no "typical" number, either. Consider the numbers from the last few years:
2008 - 60 waitlist offers
2007 - 159 waitlist offers
2006 - 145 waitlist offers
2005 - 83 waitlist offers
2004 - 37 waitlist offers
3. Why are so many offered a waitlist spot?
First of all, we know that only half of the students offered a waitlist spot actually take us up on the offer. Second, those eight groups come into play. Third, with more students applying to more colleges, it's hard to know how interested a student is in UVa. Yield may go up, as students perceive public schools to be attractive financially, but yield might go down because students have applied to many other schools and are inevitably getting attractive offers to go elsewhere.
4. What should I do to improve my chances?
Keep your application file current. When the marking period ends, send along your grades. You may write a letter, but understand that the letter should provide us with new information. If you receive any honors or awards, feel free to email us about that and we'll file your email with your application. We don't track visitations, so you will not improve your chances by coming to our office. If you have questions, feel free to call.
5. What now?
The wait list is unpredictable. Therefore, you need to commit to another university by paying a deposit and completing their enrollment process.
Rest assured that as soon as we have spots available, we will spring into action. We are eager to pull students off the waitlist and are not interested in prolonging this process.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Comments will now be moderated
Yet another update from Student Financial Services
572 of you have not submitted your UFAA. It is on your to-do list in the SIS and Student Financial Services has emailed you about this. If you do not submit this form, a financial aid package can not be created for you. Check your to-do lists!
463 of you are still in review. You have submitted all of your documents and the aid officers are working as quickly as possible to get your packages completed.
As always, you can contact the Office of Student Financial Services with questions, but realize that they are probably getting hundreds of calls each day, so you may have to wait to speak with someone.
Visitors: very important parking info for April
If you are visiting for Days on The Lawn, please pay close attention to the parking information on your invitation and on the website. If you are a prospective student visiting for an information session and tour this month, please pay close attention to the parking information posted on our "Plan a Visit" website.
We have rented out an entire garage for visitors this month. As a result, we will not be validating parking tickets from the Central Grounds Garage.
Just in case you don't click through, here is the information for prospective students:
**On April 4th, 6th, 13th, 17th and 20th, we will be hosting our newly admitted students on grounds for Days on the Lawn. Traffic volume in and around Charlottesville will be unusually high, and visitor parking will be extremely limited. To accommodate the visitors for Days on the Lawn, we highly discourage non-admitted prospective students from visiting on those dates. Please select a different day if your travel plans include us in April. See schedule below for more detailed information.
Please also note that the Office of Admission WILL NOT validate tickets for the Central Grounds Parking Garage from April 1-24, 2009. We will offer COMPLIMENTARY parking in the Emmet/Ivy Garage from 7am – 6pm on WEEKDAYS in April from the 1st through the 24th. WEEKEND PARKING is available at Central Grounds Parking Garage for a small fee. **
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Update from Student Financial Services
Please understand that they are working as quickly as they can to finish reviewing your documentation.
If you have questions about your package, please contact SFS directly.