Showing posts with label theatre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theatre. Show all posts

Monday, March 29, 2010

Jesus Monday: A Book, a Play, a Bastard Pope

Big week in Jesus news to be sure.

Philip Pullman, author of the "His Dark Materials" has written a new book, a work of fiction, entitled Good Man Jesus, Scoundrel Christ about how Jesus had a twin named Christ that did all the exaggerated scribe work and how that played out in creating a lasting memory through the church. Looks like good stuff. Of course by "good stuff" I mean paired with sanctimonious bullshit protests and misplaced aggression of sheep-like churchies.

At Tarleton State University in Texas, a student - in participation of a theatre class - chose a play entitled Corpus Christi about the life of Jesus and the apostles...except they're all gay men. Hrm? That sounds like some good stuff! And by "good stuff" I mean the Lt. Governor douchebagging a reprimand across the airwaves, misinforming the public that the play would use taxpayer dollars after having, well, NOT read or seen the play. And...scene. The professor cancelled the performance, folded like a house of cards under a Texas-sized ass.

Ah, but the real story is all the flack Popehat is pulling down on himself and the Church because a couple hundred priests molested a couple thousand little boys. No biggie, right? Nothing that can't get swept under the rug, right?

Let's do a quick recap from last week's post: Pope Ratzie lambasted the Irish Church in saying they handled things incorrectly when dealing with the molestation cases. But Ratzie himself was the one holding the broom when he himself was an archbishop, holding strong to the line of "keep it secret."

Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan appears as a caricature of religion and faith in his goon robe and wooden throne.

The archbishop above came out and called the Pope's predicament much like that of Jesus being accused unjustly. Um, no; calling someone to task for covering up and/or not reporting a crime to the proper authorities is the very definition of justice. The "unjust" part of the story might have been the priests who abused their power and authority to steal the innocence from little boys.

Even Sinead O'Connor has an op-ed piece in the Washington Post dissecting some of the bullshit and calling the original apology letter "hollow."

It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out. Will the Pope step down? Will the magnitude of the scandal collapse the backbone of the whole Catholic structure? We can dream.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Susan Boyle - British Star

Here's a taste:

Get the full taste at this link.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Not Cheap Window Plastics: 3M Post (Color) Corrected

This weekend I noted that during Obama's now-famous call to cap the salary of corporate big-wigs, it looked like the window behind him had been poorly-sealed with 3M plastic. You know, the kind that stops drafts from freezing you out in the winter if you have crappy windows.

Turns out it was not cheap plastics over the windows. It was expensive window plastics.

My post got play on C&R Blog Roundup and one of the comment-folk brought the light (sorry -- lamp):
Murphy Tinsley said...

What you are looking at is a sheet of neutral density with color correction put on the window by the MSNBC television crew. This material allowed them to balance the light level of the exterior with the level inside the office. There is also color correction to balace outside daylight with the lights they were using inside (unless they were HMI's.)
A credible and completely valid response.

I thank all my readers for visiting and my comment-folk especially for setting me straight. Even I am not without ignorance.

Even if the 3M explanation was more fun.

Monday, January 19, 2009

No Pants Subway Ride 2009

Improv Everywhere is brilliant. Always.

Now if we could just get something like this together in Cincinnati.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Today's Special - A Whole New World

My friend Brent sent me a lovely link to Today's Special that talks lovely smack about Palin's Pad in Alaska. It's a wonderful blog that I will soon Linktastica! for posterity, something it could have garnered simply because of being called Today's Special and having a picture of Muffy (Nickelodeon fans of yore unite!).

But this is good. I actually read back to April of this year because it was so wonderful and caught this gem. Watch it all the way through.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Kids in the Hall - Gavin

Oh, it's been so long. I woke up this morning with a hankerin' for some Gavin (as played by Bruce McCulloch). Unfortunately, I can't find the Painting a Chair skit, so I can't expound upon how in England everyone only has one spoon. Alas, I found a substitute.

If you're not familiar, take a look. It's worth every golden second.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Kids in the Hall Reunion Tour

Ohmygawd ohmygawd ohmygawd - The Kids in the Hall are gathering for a reunion tour.

Check out the fan-run MySpace to see the list of tour dates. (via BoingBoing)

Friday, October 05, 2007

Phone Salesman Sings Opera

I don't ever post something I get as an interwork/interfriend email, but here it is. I'm not entirely sure why this affects me so, but I watched the 4 minute clip and just wept. Wept like a schoolgirl.

Paul Potts, you are fucking brilliant.

[Alternate YouTube Link]

And not as fully emotional, but still a jerker, part 2:

[Alternate YouTube Link]

Bad blogger. How did I miss this?

And the winner is...

[Alternate YouTube Link]