Showing posts with label skiing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skiing. Show all posts

February 4, 2010

Here Comes the Sun

Our winter days usually start out foggy, with hoarfrost on the trees.
On a mid-morning ski tour in the nearby "Cedars",
snow-covered rocks look like iced layer cake.
Distant mountains are a ghostly glow against the clearing sky.
As the sun comes out, even the weeds sparkle with their crystalline coating.
And Queen Daisy rules the wintry hills.
To view myriad skies from all over the world, click here.

January 11, 2010

Touring in Tabby

During the Christmas holidays, we had several nice ski tours.  One was in the Tabby Mountain Wilderness Management Area, where we often ride in spring and fall.
Our son and Daisy were ready to go. We saw plenty of elk and deer tracks, so Daisy's nose was in high gear right away.
The fresh, powdery snow made a swishing sound as we skied.  We followed the outline of a two-track, and much of it was untouched,
with lovely views of mountains and sky.

For more views from very different worlds, click here.

January 1, 2009

Skywatch Friday

Ski touring in Mill Creek Canyon, Wasatch mountains, Utah.
For more Skywatch photos, click here.

December 30, 2008

Holiday Ski Tours

On Saturday, we returned to ski in Mill Creek Canyon, the same area we skied on
Christmas Day. This canyon was a favorite haunt when we lived in Salt Lake City. Tess and Tim continue the tradition. It's one of the few remaining bastions of free doghood (dogs allowed off leash) in the valley. Above is a view of Mount Air from Mill Creek.
We had beautiful blue skies for our trek with Tess, Tim, Eric, and 3 dogs.

Today, we took Eric on a tour around the Cedars, west of our Roosevelt home. Note the snow-covered Uintas in the background.
The snow was good, the sky was blue, and the exercise kept us warm.
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