Showing posts with label royal dish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label royal dish. Show all posts

Friday, November 6, 2009


( This dish is adopted from my most favorite cook book  by Maharaja of Sailana.) 
Vege friends can try paneer 
WARNING : This dish is meant for people who enjoy dishes used to be cooked for royal families and an out and out HEALTHY FOOD and not health food. My foodie friends who are on Health-food, must ignore this blog but may be, once in a while know what I am talking about). I cook this type of dishes in a small diner with close friends or relatives and that too on demand only. 

I and some bloggers observe, there are not many mutton dishes coming up. The reasons are many , the red meat and cholesterol hoax , the chicken propaganda, a tendency  for zero to low fat consumption ( not knowing that most of the body fat is produced by the body from carbohydrates), a desire to die healthy rather than enjoying good food etc . I love to eat mutton dishes, but these days I seldom eat them, simply because it is easier to cook fish and I am lazy...some time I get into the mode of " I eat to live" rather than " I live to eat"
I chose this recipe out of many , on a request from a visiting friend who normally loves to have one item cooked from the above famous book. Please read the recipe, and try to imagine the flavor and if it appears suspicious, don't proceed . I will suggest , not to make any deviation at the 1st trial.This recipe requires minimum effort and attention and meant for people for whom cooking is a serious business and enjoyable too.


1. Mutton 500 gms  from leg portion ( I had to use chap (vertebra pieces, with short rib and meat)  as I had them in stock and meant for some other dish. chili 200 gms, cut longitudinally and de-seeded.  ( take mostly less hot ( jhal) ones and few hot ones. I use all hot chilis) ) 
3. onion 250 gms ( thinly and evenly sliced.)
4. Ghee 200 gms  ( clarified butter) ( must not be reduced)
5.fresh curd 250 gms  whipped.
6. coriender leaves 100 gms chopped fine
7. Ginger 50 gms shredded
8. Garlic -paste 2 tsp heap
9. cumin seeds 4 level tea spoon , roasted and ground. ( careful while roasting, an over roasted one will spoil the taste)
10. Salt to taste

1. Mix curd, garlic paste and salt.
2. In a thick bottom pan ( with tight lead where edges can be sealed with wheat flour paste) add ghee and just melt it. ( Dont heat)
3. Add the motton to ghee and mix.
4. Add all other ingredients and mix thoroughly. (NO WATER TO BE ADDED) 
5. Start heating on medium flame and stir for 3-5 minutes ( no frying ) 
6. Cover and seal the pot with wheat flour paste. ( if you dont want to , then you need to check from time to time , if it is getting charred at the bottom . Mostly it will not, if you are using a tight lead).
7. Put the sealed  pan on low heat and cook for 1 hour 
( you may try using oven at 130 to 140 deg Celsius for 1 hr. I havent tried for this dish, if you do please let me know, the temp setting and time you used.)  


Vege foodi friends: If you try this recipe with paneer please let me know. Use fried Paneer and adjust cooking time , you may add Paneer at the end. I think the aroma will be great with paneer.

Happy eating, Happy weight gaining and happy tread milling and excercising