Wednesday, July 28, 2010

They've warned us…

…what they're going to do with a majority. The Republican Tea Party Contract On America...
1. Repeal the Affordable Care Act (Health Insurance Reform)

2. Privatize Social Security or phase it out altogether

3. End Medicare as it presently exists

4. Extend the Bush tax breaks for the wealthy and big oil

5. Repeal Wall Street Reform

6. Protect those responsible for the oil spill and future environmental catastrophes

7. Abolish the Department of Education

8. Abolish the Department of Energy

9. Abolish the Environmental Protection Agency

10. Repeal the 17th Amendment
Puts some of the frustration with our majority in context, doesn't it?

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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

From the "Majorities matter" file.

One of the most important advantages of Congressional majorities is the opportunity to install Democratic committee chairs. Committee chairs like Rep. David Obey of the House Appropriations Committee…
“As chairman of the Appropriations Committee I have absolutely no intention of reporting out of committee anytime in this session of Congress any such request that simply serves to continue the status quo,” Obey told reporters.
Obey has three requirements for moving a bill.
“I would be more than willing to report out a supplemental meeting the President’s request if that request were made in support of a change in policy that would do three things.
* “Establish as a goal the end of U.S. involvement in combat operations by January of 2009.”

* “Ensure that troops would have adequate time at home between deployments as outlined in the Murtha and Webb amendments.”

* “Demonstrate a determination to engage in an intensive, broad scale diplomatic offensive involving other countries in the region.”
Chairman Obey gets it.

No timeline, no funding. No excuses.

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