Thursday, December 4, 2008

letting go

This year I have decided to let go of the need to try to make everything perfect...
Okay, well not everything, just the Christmas tree.

Every year I get the Christmas tree out of it's box and get it all set up and put the lights on it, usually on the Sunday night after Thanksgiving. Then on Monday night I get out all the ornaments and let the kids decorate the tree. They love this, but the results are less than perfect. So, after they go to bed I take everything off the tree and redecorate it, spreading all the ornaments out evenly so it is nicely balanced.

This year I tried something different. I directed them a little, and helped to get some ornaments on the higher branches, but let them do it mostly by themselves.
Guess what ~ I think it looks perfect!


The Dixon Gang said...

It looks absolutely perfect! I used to do the same thing and then everyone that came over would say how beautiful our tree was and then I would have to say that I "helped" the kids. Now I let them do it all their own and I think it looks so much prettier their way.

The Postl's said...

Your tree looks great! I love your blog, and I am so glad you have one! I can't believe how old your kids are. You have such a cute family and I'm glad I will be able to keep up with you guys a little bit now.