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"It is better to take refuge in Adonai than to trust in human beings; better to take refuge in Adonai than to put one's trust in princes." -Tehilah 118:8-9

I Vote Aliyah

**Ed. Note: Because of this disturbing news all future posts on this site will be cross-posted at our WordPress location: a backup location I started at the nascence of this blog for times and situations like these.

If you're a fan (and I know you're out there-- thank you for the emails of support!) bookmark the link. I'm going to try and update the sidebar links at the wordpress location this week so the two sites mirror each other in content, if not in design.

Thanks for reading, and keep those comments coming! /Ed. Note**
Now, onto the weekly commentary.

If you think gas prices are bad in America, check out Carl in Jerusalem's blog post, Islamists seek to collapse the dollar? over at IsraelMatzav. And while you're there (or if you're still here) check out the Middle East Media Research Institute's report Mujahideen Monitor U.S. Economy, Attempt to Undermine Dollar which begins by stating:
Numerous postings on Islamist websites in the past two years reflect the mujahideen's growing interest in the state of the U.S. economy. As was argued in a 2007 MEMRI analysis, many of the jihadists and their supporters have come to view their struggle against the U.S. and the West as an economic war. More specifically, they have come to the conclusion that it is financial, rather than military, losses that will prompt the U.S. to change its policies in the Middle East and elsewhere. Consequently, they emphasize the importance of targeting U.S. interests around the world, and of directing their military jihad primarily at targets that affect the U.S. economy.
In brief, the Islamic nutballs are ordering their followers to invest in gold and real estate. Larry Kudlow, of CNBC's Kudlow & Company spent Friday night telling his audience that gold going high is a bad thing for the US Economy, and Saturday morning I go online to find this post. Great. Now I know why gold inflation is bad. Moreover, I also question the Arab influence behind the mortgage crisis-- less American ownership of American land makes it all the easier for the caliphate to attempt takeover. (Note: I said "attempt".) And how much easier is it to buy up land when Ma and Pa America are busy trying to put gas in their cars and make their meager paychecks cover their rising food bills?

Speaking of Ma and Pa America, Sultan Knish over at Israpundit comments on another great OpEd by JPost writer Caroline Glick: Religious Zionism Holds the Future of Israel in its Hands:
A nation can’t exist for long cannot exist without both a national identity and a national structure. The latter has to come from the political and practical institutions of the state. The former has to come from a shared value and belief system. A state without a shared positive value system is on the way to extinction, as first world nations can amply demonstrate for us. A value system without a state leaves only victims and exiles.

The collapse of the first world nations is occurring precisely because those value systems are being ruthlessly torn down, leaving hollowed out states that have the structure of a nation but no defense again attack or ability to rally morale. Like mannequins they have the appearance of states, but not the content. This is occurring across America, Europe and Israel.
Want an example of a mannequin nation? Try assessing the average Obama supporter. The only two things they're sure of are: 1. Barack Obama has roughly the same demographic makeup (age, race, economic status) as Dave Chappelle and, 2. His wife is the height of fashion. This is enough for them to elect a racist, anti-Israel socialist who wants to negotiate with the most maniacal world leader since Hitler as President of the United States. Brilliant.

If George Orwell were alive today, I don't know if he'd be crying in the corner or just staring blankly and remarking, "Told you so."

Has Obama said one word about his platform? Has he uttered one sentence about the policies he'd actually attempt to implement were he to be elected? No. Absolutely not. Why? Because Reality TV has seeped into politics? Yes. Absolutely true. Need the proof? Check out OBAMA’S NEW STRATEGY on Israpundit:
Obama and the conservative right are mutually trying to keep the debate about his candidacy on the existential level — is he the hope for America’s future or a Manchurian Candidate, a kind of sleeper agent sent to destroy our democracy? That debate, which pits Obamas rhetoric against the Rev. Wright's rantings, is a contest that could go on all day, and Obama would win it. It is simply a bridge too far to believe that Obama is that evil and that invidious.

But the more the debate covers such fundamental questions, the more it ignores the details — details which could bring Obama down.

Quite simply, Obama would rather address his religious views and his optimism about America and his embrace of diversity than talk about his plans to raise taxes, let gasoline prices soar and socialize healthcare.
How does he get away with providing such a TOTAL LACK of solid information to the mainstream newsmedia? More importantly, how are so many Americans falling under Obama's spell when they are obviously nearly totally completely uninformed about his policies?

They're morons.

Seriously, their entire philosophy is, "Well, If Oprah likes him, he must be okay." Americans, especially those between the ages of 18 and 39, who constitute the majority of Obama supporters appearing in rally audiences, have been totally desensitized and sedated by the crack that is reality TV. They could care less about issues: They want the sex, the violence, the drama. Okay, so Barack isn't exactly a pimp daddy, but he has openly admitted to using illegal drugs (check out his autobiography) he's embroiled in religious controversy, and visually, he's a D.C. version of Dave Chappelle without the bloodshot eyes and munchies. If only the Jewish people could produce a D.C. version of Jon Stewart to run for office, we'd have it made with today's young voters-- and more of these kids are graduating college than ever before! So much for higher education; I suppose that's what happens when you staff the ivy halls with professors so hell-bent on the benefits of tenure that they literally tell students what sentences to highlight and recopy from their textbooks onto their final exams. We have produced a nation of robots: turn on the TV and watch "reality" take over the White House.

Aliyah is sounding better and better.

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posted by Shoshana @ 8:11 PM

It's the Economy...and They're Stupid

I was not an Economics Major. However, like George Orwell, who ventured into the working-class-poor world after his stint at a ritzy English university (I want to say Oxford, but it may have been Cambridge), I have ventured far from the ivy halls of the ivory tower and thusly consider myself as having a PhD in Common Sense.

So, Common Sense Economics 101:

Lesson one: NAFTA

NAFTA = No Jobs for Americans on American Soil

Mom and Dad who have high school educations and VoTech trade degrees can't get jobs->
Mom and Dad go on unemployment-->
Mom and Dad begin living lives subsidized by the American government (the same government that approved the bill that lost the couple their chances for employment)--->
Mom and Dad have a kid, and get more government money---->
Mom and Dad realize that kids=more government money, so they keep having kids, and keep getting checks----->
Mom and Dad manage to swing buying a house on a 100% sub-prime mortgage (thanks to shady bankers) and continue to live off government money while taking secondary, under-the-table employment (legal or illegal, cash only=no taxes=not putting back in the government pot) in order to furnish new home, OR
Mom and Dad realize that if they split up, Mom can live in low income, government subsidized housing with the kids----->
Mom and Dad realize that dad can move in with friends, and rent out the house where they live, so they can pay the mortgage with rent money and pocket the government checks (most likely to be spent on plasma TVs)----->
Kids grow up without a steady father-figure--->
Most likely in a seedy neighborhood--->
Most definitely in an environment that promotes living off government money--->
>Kid thinks, "Why bother with school?" and the system continues, OR
>Kid wins "disadvantaged youth" scholarship, winds up in Ivy League School in order to fill "underpriveledged minority" enrollment quota, and lands big money job in high class environment while--->Working class kid with working parents who refused to live off government money doesn't qualify for scholarships (parents make just a little "too" much) doesn't get into Ivy League School (no money to pay for it) and doesn't get that big money job in high class environment that they're otherwise totally qualified for.

And this is why the socialization of the government in any form or fashion results in complete destruction and eventual collapse of the society as a whole.

The primary purpose of the Federal Government was to act as a bastion of national defense. In fact, the whole reason we fought the Revolutionary War was to keep the government from barging into our homes, our pocketbooks, and our lives.

Of course, the idea of American independence is now a notion under intense government scrutiny. It is a joke to think that the economy is receeding or collapsing; just as with the Great Depression in the 1930s, the middle class was raked over the coals while the rich (like FDR and his cronies) kept getting richer all the time. Look at who stands to benefit from the failure of the US Economy: Arab nations, whose markets are booming; China; Russia--- you know, all of our greatest moral enemies. They also happen to be the nations we bow to (and force our allies to bow down to-- need I remind you of the Annapolis Conference?) and borrow money from (ahem, CitiGroup); do our greatest amount of trading with (MADE IN CHINA ring a bell?); and send our oil to.

So, what better way to destroy the United States than implement a series of laws and policies to break down our economic structure, resulting in a weakening of our moral fiber, and rendering us malleable enough to agree to just about anything in order to sate our appetites overwhelmed with living off the fat of the government, or tired of scratching to pull weeds from the ground? This wouldn't be the first time poor people succumbed to the empty promises of socialist systems-- or didn't you get that lesson in your 9th grade unit on Hitler's Germany?

Weaken the Dollar -->
Weaken the Moral Resolve -->
Present Alternative Currency/Promises of Better Economy -->
So what if an Alternative Government comes along with it?

Recommended Reading:

Inside the Hush-Hush North American Union Confab []
A largely unreported meeting held at the State Department discussed integration of the U.S., Mexico and Canada in concert with a move toward a transatlantic union, linking a North American community with the European Union.

The meeting was held Monday under the auspices of the Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy, or ACIEP. WND obtained press credentials and attended as an observer. The meeting was held under “Chatham House” rules that prohibit reporters from attributing specific comments to individual participants.


The meeting agenda included topics reviewing the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP, and the U.S.-EU Transatlantic Economic Council, or TEC.

The SPP, declared by the U.S., Canada and Mexico at a summit meeting in 2005, has 20 trilateral bureaucratic working groups that seek to "integrate and harmonize" administrative rules and regulations on a continental basis.

Several participants said the premise of the SPP is to create a North American business platform to benefit North America-based multi-national companies the way the European Union benefits its own.

Others noted the premise of the TEC is to create a convergence of administrative rules and regulations between Europe and North America, anticipating the creation of a "Transatlantic Economic Union" between the European Union and North America.


Before the meeting began, concerns were raised informally by participants worried that the Ohio Democratic Party primary had prompted both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to talk of renegotiating NAFTA.

Participants at the State Department meeting pointed out U.S. political candidates could be expected to argue "protectionist themes opposed to global economic integration" as a tactic, without necessarily being committed to taking aggressive steps once in office.

Amero Currency News & Updates
Stop the Security & Prosperity Partnership

Absolute Madness is at the doorstep.

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posted by Shoshana @ 7:28 PM

America Sold Out... to allah, for Challah- er- Dough

Back in December, the The JPost reported, "The Mossad claims that the Iranians will be able to develop a nuclear bomb by the end of 2009; Military Intelligence warns that Teheran will cross the technological threshold within six months; and now the Americans are putting the timeline toward the middle of the next decade, or 2013 at the earliest."

This week, Israpundit linked to an article at World Net Daily under the "HOMELAND INSECURITY" section, titled Islamist 'Trojan horse' in Pentagon, say experts FBI: Top defense advisers linked to radical Muslim Brotherhood
Hesham H. Islam, a special assistant to Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, recently criticized Maj. Stephen Coughlin, one of the military's leading authorities on Islamic war doctrine, for making the connection between the religion of Islam and terrorism.

After Islam lodged complaints, Coughlin's contract with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon was not renewed.
Better still, Islam is best-buds with a fellow Muslim Brotherhood member who also happens to be a U.S. Navy Chaplain. Islam's boss, Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, recently dedicated an Islamic prayer center at Quantico based on Islam's buddy's suggestion. Need more info? Check out this companion post at Israpundit.

Israpundit also linked to a FrontPageMag article on Islam's relationship with corporate America, and what that might mean regarding the future of your investments. Along with the concern over the obvious implications of Muslims gaining controlling shares of stock in major American corporations (i.e.; forcible corporate giving to Islamic interests; running businesses according to Islamic principles), Jonathan Schanzer writes:
There is also a question of whether our new Middle Eastern partners seek the long-term success of the world financial system, upon which most Westerners rely to grow wealth and ensure a comfortable retirement. Indeed, Wahabbists – among which many Saudis and Emiratis can be counted – have little interest in the long-term viability of the U.S.-anchored world financial system. Wahabbists, in fact, seek to destroy the current world system and to return to the world to a time and place in which Islam reigns supreme. Buying out the U.S. stock market would be an easy way to destroy it from within.

Military and Economy. What's next, electing a guy with the middle name "Hussein" as President?

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posted by Shoshana @ 3:50 PM