Showing posts with label Brain Damage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brain Damage. Show all posts

Wednesday, 15 September 2010


A while ago I raved excitedly about the awesome poster at right that features a great illustration of Belial Bradley, brother of Duane, and star of the New York sleaze classic Basket Case. The poster - for an in store appearance by Frank Henenlotter at a cool looking video store in Seattle - was drawn by one Marc Palm. At the time I mused about how I'd like to see Marc tackle Henenlotter's other famous parasitic character, the Aylmer, from the deliriously wonderful Brain Damage.

Shortly after that I thought, fuck it, I'll write to Marc and see if he's up to the challenge. Much to my surprise he responded with the gleeful enthusiasm of a true monster freak, and so it came to pass that I commissioned a work of art from someone I'd never met, living on another continent. After supplying the artist with a decent amount of reference material from Brain Damage, and asking that he take his time with it and have fun... I waited.

This week my patience paid off, with the arrival in my inbox of the charmingly debonair brain-eater himself. It's a fetching portrait of the deadly little parasite, and the attention given to the details of his anatomy is excellent, especially his drug glands and retractable injecting proboscis. Marc showed it to Henenlotter too, who loved it, and you can't really get any higher praise than that. Behold, the Aylmer...

Monstrous thanks to Marc and Frank

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Bad Biology

Here's a poster by Marc "Swellzombie" Palm for a Henenlotter in-store at Scarecrow Video in Seattle. As a Henenlotter fan, it's pretty irresistibly cool.

I'd like to see Marc have a crack at the anatomy of the Aylmer from Brain Damage. Easy, you say? It's just a fecal shaped little blue worm with big teeth? Consider for a minute the creature's intravenous delivery system for the hallucinogenic and addictive drug with which it ensures it's host's dependence. Quite a complex and efficient organ right there. On top of that it has highly evolved vocal cords, and a presumably complicated alimentary canal, capable of digesting the massive amounts of brain matter that it ingests.

And a big brain in that tiny, ancient head of his. For he is intelligent... cunning... charming...

"This is the start of your new life Brian,
a life full of colours, music, light and euphoria.
A life without pain, or hurt or suffering."