Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts

September 11, 2012

The goods

The opening Friday went great. Here are some new favorites...


March 08, 2012

Seven Seconds to Thunder

I'm getting most excited for the opening of my first out of town art exhibit and installation - March 16th at the brand new Moses Lake Museum and Art Center.

We'll be heading over this coming Monday and Tuesday to install the show. I've been such a frantic little bunny getting everything ready - I've not really posted a thing about it here.

So these are some sneak peeks from the last few months, and a couple behind the scenes photos of the shoot I set up for the poster.

Friday, March 16, 5 - 8pm

Seven Seconds to Thunder: An exhibit and installation by Spokane artist Tiffany Patterson. This show celebrates tiny moments; times of stillness amidst fury. Each work offers a glimpse ...into a land of whimsy where large eyed creatures, in a collective instance, are frozen momentarily awaiting thunder. The pieces in bright pastels and crisp black lines are made on wood with acrylic paint and ink. The installation unfurls Tiffany's world complete with pink rocks and rain drops where no matter your age, you shall find delight.

The MAC is located in the Moses Lake Civic Center.
New Hours: Monday - Saturday, 11am - 5pm.
Admission is always Free.

♥ ♥ ♥

October 07, 2011

A wedding...

A friend of mine asked if I would photograph her wedding (This is the 2nd one I've done now...does this make me official?). It was at the Steam Plant - a historical Spokane building turned restaurant. Believe it or not this was the first wedding ceremony ever held there. It was a little difficult for photographing in - but so aesthetically pleasing!

 The lovely wedding of Devon + Jason (some of my favorites):
I also shot some photos on our stroll over to their hotel. I will post a few of those gems in a bit when I get them all finished up. ♥

September 15, 2011

No Boundaries (Illustration Friday)

Every week I decide that this is the week I will do the Illustration Friday drawing....and then every week I do not.
This week the topic was "Boundary". I can't lie, I kinda hated it...which made me think a lot about it. It took a while to figure out what to draw - and then voilĂ !

Now I pretty much love it. What do you think?

May 23, 2011

A Springtime Flutter

This post is actually two fold. First, sharing with you some progress photos of Flutter...(My exciting gallery exhibit that will be opening in a couple weeks). Then ending with my "I need to take a break from this insanity and appreciate the nice weather" photos of Spring showing up around our yard!
Doing a screen printed narrative actually turned out to be a lot more work than I had anticipated. I was illustrating at the laundromat, VA hospital, my partner's parents house, in bed, at the breakfast table, and in the car....pretty much living this project for the last few months. So...

Flutter deets: first ever narrative, first completely solo gallery show, and the release of my first zine! [I get excited about firsts!]

Mixed media screen prints with sparkly inks and hand drawn tidbits tell the story. The posters, each unique, are created in additions of three. The limited addition zine (of 50) is made up of a portion of the illustrated posters..(silver ink!!!) The zine is being printed via the most fantastic Chris Dreyer of Dreyer Press. And as seen above, super huge thank you/shout out to Scott Ellis of Blue Button for his screen printing assistance! They are amazing!

A public artist reception will be held during Art Walk at the Kolva Sullivan Gallery (115 S. Adams St.) June 3rd from 5-9pm.

And now for some springtime love...
 I will have happy poppies for you shortly. (Like hundreds of poppies taking over everywhere kinda happy! ♥)

June 28, 2010


Illustration Friday, satellite.Every so often, I like to go to the window, look up, and smile for a satellite picture.
- Stephen Wright

I have been wanting so badly for things to slow down enough to do little art projects for fun again. I decided to make it happen, last night, late.

I rounded up some materials: 1 sharpie, 2 colored pencils, white and back paper, sting, tape, and 1 exacto knife (with a broken tip). For me this weeks topic turned into a challenge to make something happy out of whatever I could find - without waking up Jacinda. I decided satellites reminded me of being a child, should be hanging, and I went with a mobile.
♥ ♥ ♥ Have a wonder filled day!

March 22, 2010

Gold glitter...

I haven't blogged for a while and all my lovelies are backing up!

First, here is a sneak peek at my MONTH stay. It was absolutely amazing and exhausting...there will officially be gold glitter in the gallery for years to come. I will be editing and posting my stop motion film later this week (I took pictures during the entire stay). Most of the 24 hours were spent on top of a very tall tall ladder. Jacinda was such a huge help (building trees from posters and sewing patterns) and lots of friends stopped by and pitched in.Driving home the other day I begged Jacinda to stop at a nature park we go by every day. I have been dreaming of the photos I would take. It started pouring and the light was marvelous. This is my favorite shot I snapped when the rain let up. Flikr is calling to me...."Tiffany, pay the stupid fee - you NEED me!"

I left the walk with a deer scull, jaw bone, and vertebrae. Also that evening I pulled a tick out of my hair, and then screamed and threw it into my laptop. I had to scoop it up before it found refuge in my keypad. Thank god it didn't get me...I very much thought it was still to cold for them!

I didn't make it back to the MONTH gallery show during Taylor's stay (she was right after me), but did for Jillian's. It was the first day of spring, there were yellow stickers applied to my face, and I got to use a button maker for the first time!

I feel as if my photos are no longer doing the space justice. They are not even coming close to the magic you feel in this art jungle!The next time I pop into the gallery will be tomorrow for "A Romantic Evening with Boys Who Like Butterflies" Naaman (above) and John. We will be discussing the nature of gender, performance, and contemporary art.

Things are getting crazy here with all the art happenings coming up! I hope you are enjoying your spring. ♥ ♥ ♥