Showing posts with label betsy walton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label betsy walton. Show all posts

November 17, 2011


I've spent a lot of time in my head lately - really thinking about my art and it's direction. I've been marinating on thoughts of what's happening out in the world beyond Spokane, and setting some goals as an artist. I keep coming back to the realization that Etsy is where I've discovered some of my very most favorite artists. It's sort of unexpected - and at the same time delightful.

If you're not already familiar with them, here's some favorites you should definitely check out:

I've also been extremely inspired by some of the group shows and collaborations I've been hearing about. I'm a sucker for a good theme.

Jennifer Davis (from above) is currently exhibiting in a show titled Homeroom - at Subtext Gallery in San Diego, CA. This maybe one of the greatest themed shows I can imagine...each artist reinterprets a work from their childhood in their current style. There are some big names in this show....kinda wish I could hop a plane down there just for an evening to check it out!
I'm also seriously considering finding some of my own childhood art when I'm home for the Holidays. So I can reinterpret a piece of my own - just for fun.

I was also happy to discover 'Delightful' -  an ongoing collaboration between Davis, and the artist Amy Rice (started a few years ago). For part of it they did a series of paintings in which each others works were used as inspiration to create a corresponding piece....

Birthday Party Pony by Amy Rice
Favorite Bird by Jennifer Davis
Most of the time I find the internet a little overwhelming - realizing there is so much work out there and so many talented artists. It can also be very inspiring. ♥